Subject: ★ Watch a newbie create their 1st webpage in 30 seconds...


I've just found a new html site/page building app that is an absolute dream to use!

If you want to be able to build pages or whole sites without using WordPress then this is the way to do it...

With complete 'Drag & Drop' functionality you can bang out pages (Landing Pages, Lead Gen Pages Or Complete Sites) in a matter of mere minutes.

Quick Summary:
  • Over 30 Templates And Themes Included
  • Unlimited Personal Use For All Of Your Projects
  • Built In Graphics Editer - No Photoshop
  • Clean HTML pages = Super Fast Loading 
  • No WP = No Hacking Vulnerabilities
now I'm a massive fan of WordPress and I use it for the vast majority of my sites, but having a way to build landing pages and optin pages in simple html in just minutes is essential!

and this is the easiest & quickest way I've found of doing exactly that...

hit the button below to watch a newbie setup there first page using this app:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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