Subject: ★ Last chance to get me to review your blog...


yup, this is closing down at midnight, so it's your last chance to claim the bonus of me doing a review of your blog...

here's the FAQ bit:

Q: Will this book show me how to generate traffic?
A. Yes, it includes a variety of traffic generation techniques.

Q: I'm new to blogging, will the Bloggers Roadmap be a good fit?
A. Definitely, it's a great fit for the newbie to get off the ground.

Q: Is blog design covered?
A. Yes, and getting subscribers, and ads, and more.

Q: Are the best plugins to use covered?
A. There are a lot of plugins out there. They d cover plugins and the best ones for your blog, just remember that all blogs are different, so the goals of your blog will define the plugins you need.

Q: What about SEO?
A. Yes, they cover SEO

Q: What about content for blogging, I get stuck with that. Is this covered?
A. Yes, they show you how to generate ideas for your own content, as well as how you can legally steal content.

Grab your copy of Dan's Bloggers Roadmap Here [bonuses listed below]

I've actually been banging on about this one for the last 12 months or so, since it launched, but they've literally just released a brand spanking new update!

The Bloggers Roadmap is a complete guide to setting up and profiting from your very own blog.

It’s a 27,000 word eBook that my mate Dan (the guy behind it) has poured everything he knows about blogs and blogging into a single guide.

It’s very well written and covers everything you need to know.

Throughout the guide there's tons of ‘blog tips’ to give you more ideas and I must say these are great little additions.

Is this right for you..?

This product is for anyone that owns their own blog or wants to learn how to create and profit from their own blog.

As this product only focuses on blogging, if you don’t own a blog or never intend to then this product is no good to you, although I'd be interested in hearing what you're doing that you don't need a blog..? ;-)

Note: There is an 'oto', it's for a collection of video training tutorials covering all the different aspects of setting up and running a blog. Yoy don't need them, but if video helps you learn stuff quicker (me too), then they are available as an option.

You'll have noticed I don't recommend many Blogging 'how to/guide' products, simply because most really aren't worth the cost.

This is, especially at the knock down price of $9.99!

The Bloggers Roadmap guide is something you can refer to time and again to help you succeed in the blogging world and it comes with my highest recommendation:

IMPORTANT: Bonus #1: below is something I've not offered for over 3 years, so this is a rare opportunity to get me to give your blog a bit of a 'health check/review'...

Bonuses up for grabs:

#1: I'll personally review your blog and give you whatever feedback, tips & advice I can.

Note: email me a copy of your receipt to to claim your blog review.

#2: 50 Killer Headlines to Maximize Conversions
#3: Big Traffic Guide
#4: Blog Post Optimizer
#5: Blogging For Profit
#3: Copywriters Black Book
#7: Google AdSense Profits
#8: List Building Success Secrets
#9: SEO Basics
#10: SEO Tips For WordPress
#11: The Joint Venture Black Book

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:



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