Subject: ★ Last Call for the lifetime Monkey option + FAQ


The special lifetime license discount deal I managed to wangle for ends today...


Q: Do I have to download and install a script or plug-in?

A: No.

Landing Page Monkey is a web based app, so there’s nothing to download, nothing to install, and you don’t need any special platform like WordPress to use this tool. 

Just log into the dashboard and you can start creating stunning landing pages instantly – it’s that easy!

Q: Why not just use an HTML editor to create lead pages?

A: An HTML editor still requires you to design the page and then code it for special effects, like animating the opt-in box, adding a background video and more. 

If you don’t know anything about design or code, you’re out of luck.

That’s where Landing Page Monkey comes in. 

It lays out a framework for your page so all you have to do is point and click the options to fine tune it. 

The end result is a highly polished landing page – and you never have to touch a line of code or spend a bundle hiring a high-priced designer!

Q: What makes Landing Page Monkey better than other page generators?

A: Sure, there other page generators on the market, but Landing Page Monkey is the clear choice for so many reasons, including these:

1. You can include background videos. 

Hardly any other services give you this option, and yet this is the option that allows you to create absolutely stunning landing pages. 

Background videos make all the difference between a mediocre landing page and a stunning, attention-getting and high-converting page. 

That’s why huge companies like PayPal, Spotify and Hollywood movie producers use background videos on their landing pages – and now you can too!

2. It’s the most affordable way to create landing pages. 

Hiring a designer will bankrupt you. 

Other services and scripts will hang you out to dry with monthly fees. 

Q: Will the pages display on all devices?

A: Yes. One of the big problems with other page generators is that they only display on computers and laptops, and only on certain browsers (like Firefox).

Landing Page Monkey creates pages which are correctly displayed on 99.9% of devices and browsers, including iPhones, Android phones, tablets and more.

No more broken pages and no more errors means you’ll get a higher conversion rate!

Best of all, these pages look extremely sharp, modern and polished. 

IMPORTANT: Here are your Discount Codes:

Get Lifetime Account - Use Code: "gazmat3"
Get Annual Account - Use Code: "gazmat4"

See for yourself by checking out the web app right now:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:



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