Subject: 📥 Don't get dumped in Spam...

Stay Out Of Spam


are your emails being dumped in to the spam folder?

Make sure your message ALWAYS gets read:

Note: This offer closes tomorrow.

The 'Trusted Sender Reputation' roadmap makes sure your emails are delivered directly to the inbox every single time.

Quick Summary:

- An easy guide to creating and validating SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records

- Strategies for building a trusted sender domain reputation

- Expert tips on warming up domains and IPs

- Understanding Gmail spam filters to avoid being blocked

- Troubleshooting common issues with actionable insights

- Effective customer reengagement strategies

- Comprehensive blacklist removal instructions to maintain your reputation

This toolkit is not just about improving email marketing results, but also about maintaining a good sender reputation and achieving high open rates.

Bonus: 50+ Practical ChatGPT Email Marketing Prompts & Ideas

Remember - once you learn how to do this for yourself, you can also offer the process as a high value service to clients!

Click Here Now:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:

Email: Hit Reply To This Email
