Subject: ★ Did you get your legal pages done yet..?


TIP: if you've not got your legal pages sorted this bit alone make this worth picking up, especially as it's under $20 right now...

What am I talking about..?

WP Freshstart, if you've been on my list for a while you'll have heard me talk about it before, you may already be using it!

What does it do?

Setting up just the basic stuff for a wordpress site can take anywhere between 20-30 minutes.

Not with this super plugin...

Doing all that grunt work of clearing default posts/pages/comments and doing all those settings, installing plugins and creating legal pages and everything else is just boring.

It’s time to stop doing that manually each and every time...

Quick Summary:
  1. Automatically creates ALL of the pages that Google and other search engines love to see (About Page, Contact Page, Legal Pages, etc)
  2. Automatically removes the sample WordPress posts, pages, and comments so that you don’t have to bother removing them yourself
  3. Automatically adjusts the permalinks setting to /post-name/ so that search engines find your site easier
  4. Creates multiple categories that you want.
  5. Creates new blank POSTS and Pages that you need for your site
  6. Installs MULTIPLE plugins at once, direct from the site (latest plugins) or zip file URLs
All of that in just ONE click.

oh, and the new v4.0 adds 15 NEW FEATURES

inc. cleaning up old bloated sites in just 1-Click and makes them brand new.

hit the button below to take a look for yourself, there's a demo video of it in action:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

How To Get In Touch:



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