Subject: ☠ Charlie bit 845 million views... :-O


Have you seen the video Charlie bit my finger? 

Do you know that got over 845 million views...

crazy right?

Now imagine if you could you use that exact same video for your campaigns...

You know it get’s attention

You know it’ll be shared

And, you know people will love it

so you just need a way of leveraging that to your advantage

Now, you can!

this new app makes it super simple to use ANY viral video, article, gif or meme and instantly turn them into a squeeze page…  

Pretty neat, huh? 

Imagine having automated engagement, audience growing, list building and sales with just a simple click of a button. 

Note: there a $5 off coupon you can use - "save5"

This offer ends on Sunday, so hit check it out here now:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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