Subject: ★ Case Study: 512% Increase in conversions?


we're all a little bit nosey...

it's human nature really, are inherent curiosity means we always want to know what other people are up to!

now imagine being able to watch over the shoulder of people who visit your web pages to see what they do, what they like, where they click, or where they get bored, lose interest and leave...

do you think having that kind of insight could help you fix your pages and offers to make them better?

yup, of course it would...

so how about having all of this at your fingertips:
  1. Record Sessions/Playbacks of Each Visitor [to any webpage]
  2. See Heatmaps by Clicks, Eye-Tracking, Scroll, and Elements
  3. Have complete Conversion Funnels & Form Analysis
  4. Use Feedback Polls & Surveys
  5. All with Desktop, Tablet, Phone Tracking
  6. And Works on ALL BROWSERS
  7. In-Depth Analytics at your fingertips
and it's all designed to help you improve visitor experience and increase your conversions. 

This kind of tool is usually only available for big Fortune 500 companies, with their equally massive budgets, but not any more...

Case Study Show: 512% increase with just 3 tweaks after seeing the objections on their offer — BOOSTING  revenue overnight!

[FAQ at bottom of email]

Note: there's a lifetime license up for grabs right now as part of the launch special offer!
hit the button below to watch the casestudy that shows the simplest increase in conversions you’ll ever see:

and here are just a few of the things others are saying…

To be frank I never was really a fan of heatmaps and recordings…

However, we went ahead and generated 10 split-tests ideas based on the insights.

9 out of 10 split-tests ideas beat the control.

Cranking up my conversions significantly within just one day.

So I guess it’s save to say I’m a fan now!

Or this one…

I really never used tools like Convertifire, but Convertifire is Really something else…

A 237% Increase In Conversions on my latest offer!

This stuff works

These people increased their conversions by simply watching what was working for them and what was not

then adapting and making changes, which only takes minutes, and within hours their conversions doubled and so did their revenue!


Q: How easy is it to install this tool?

A: It’s really simple! You activate the site within the software, and you’ll paste a simple line of code inside the tags of your website. And immediately it starts tracking all your data.

Q: How will this help me increase my conversions?

A: By simply improving user experience you increase conversions. You improve this based on the insights you get from the software, which has multiple features allowing you to ethically spy on your visitors in multiple ways.

With heatmaps, scrollmaps, eye movement maps, and clickmaps you’ll have access to accumulative data.

From these features alone you’ll be able to see what your visitors like and what they don’t like (plus a ton more…)

With behavioral recordings it’s as if you’re looking over the shoulder of your visitors, seeing why they are not taking the actions you want them to take.

Now with the Polls and Surveys, you’ll be able to get the inner motivators of your visitors.

Q: How does this compare to others on the market?

A: It basically boils down to this, they are using a unique way of gathering and presenting data.

This opens up a variety of new NEVER-SEEN-BEFORE features others don’t have…

Also due to this and the compression technology they have installed, they can promise 10x more user sessions than their direct competition for just a fraction of the cost!

Q: What happens to the lifetime deal when this launch ends?

A: The lifetime will be gone for good, as well as the Master Package with all your bonuses – you can only get this during this special charter launch!

Q: What if I want new features?

A: Since going live, these guys have already been working new features, remember this is their Flagship product they want to grow outside this community too.

They listen to their community, so if you got a suggestion they are more than willing to listen up!

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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