Subject: 👀 Automated AI Affiliate Site Builder...

Automated AI Blogs

Automated AI Blogs




Let AI automate yours affiliate blogs -


as an affiliate blogger AI can now do all the hard work for you, creating AND posting SEO optimized, Google friendly content for you automatically!


This new App is designed specifically for affiliate marketers and works with ANY niche...


Quick Summary:


 - Create long-form informational articles


 - Create long-form product reviews


 - Set & forget Amazon reviews


 - Create reviews for ANY affiliate products


 - Auto set-up WordPress websites


 - Manage, edit & post all your content


 - Schedule when all content gets posted


 - Auto-embed videos, images, Amazon links


 - Create SEO optimized content


 - Auto-create product review round-ups


This is the missing link between AI and affiliate sites, plugging the content and SEO gap for you and making your sites truly hands-free!


Click the link:

Find out more

Kind regards,

Matt Garrett


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