Subject: ★ All-in-1: YouTube + Amazon + eBay + Commission Junction store builder


Shopitect is brand new software that creates online stores and lets you search for affiliate products from Amazon, eBay, and Commission Junction right in the dashboard and add them to your store in 1 click...
and Shopitect finds related product videos and customer reviews and adds them to your product pages automatically!

They've also built in some rather neat viral tricks - visitors earn points from your store for joining your list and sharing your store and products...

and they can spend points in your store to win any free prizes or products you choose so you build your list and get free viral traffic automatically

Then they've taken it to the next step and made it so you can embed your store in to your FB page!
What it does sumary:

1. Fully Automated:

Shopitect lets you search and add products from right inside the software, and it grabs related videos and product reviews and adds them to your product pages automatically.

2. Setup in Minutes:

Simple point-n-click setup will have you up and running in minutes

3. Hands-Free Automatic Commissions:

Your Shopitect store gets visitors to click through and buy affiliate products so you make affiliate commissions automatically

4. Builds Your List Automatically:

Your Shopitect store gets visitors to join your list for you with the viral rewards feature and it works with the built-in mailing feature or even integrates with any autoresponder

5. Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction:

Add Amazon, eBay, and Commission Junction products to your store right inside the software in just 1 click

6. Adds YouTube Videos Automatically:

Shopitect searches YouTube and imports videos related to your products and adds them to your product pages automatically

7. Customer Product Reviews:

Shopitect finds customer reviews for your Amazon products and adds them to your product pages automatically.

8. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest:

Social sharing buttons on every store and product page generates free viral traffic for you automatically

9. Viral Rewards System:

Unique viral rewards gives prizes to visitors for subscribing to your mailing list and for social sharing so your store builds you a list and generates free viral traffic by itself

10. Put Your Store on Facebook:

Shopitect's unique Facebook integration feature allows you to put your store right inside your Facebook page for even more free viral traffic

11. Works with Every Autoresponder:

If you use Aweber, GetResponse, or any other autoresponder Shopitect integrates with them and builds your list for you automatically

12. Fully Customizable:

Shopitect works right out of the box, or you can customize anything and everything. Change your logo, layout, products, brands, categories, and more.

13. Custom Widgets:

Add your Twitter feed, Google Hangouts, Facebook page, banners, Adsense or other ad network code, live support, Skype, and almost any HTML code to your store in 1 click with built-in widgets.

14. Responsive Layout:

Your Shopitect stores are fully responsive and look great on any device from computers and laptops to tablets and mobile phones.

15. Beautiful Design:

Your store has top quality graphics, a super sleek look and feel, and it works great for an awesome user experience

16. Search Engine Optimized:

Your Shopitect stores are search engine optimized with SEO URLs, custom meta tags, custom meta descriptions and customizable content.

17. Stats-at-a-Glance Dashboard:

See quick stats right in your dashboard for your store including number of visitors, products viewed, social shares, traffic to Amazon, eBay, Commission Junction, and more

18. Best in Class Software:

We used best-in-class software development to make sure you and your visitors have a smooth flawless experience and that Shopitect runs perfectly right out of the box.

This is the most 'fully functioned' software store builder I've seen, click the button below to check it out for yourself:
Note: the demo video is about a third of the way down the page, it shows just how easy it is to get your new store up and running!

and yes, there are some Bonuses up for grabs:

#1: Digital Profit Formula ($97 value)

Digital Profit Formula is an online video course that shows you how to create and launch your own digital products

#2: 20 Store Background Images ($97 value)

High resolution graphic images you can add to your store as backgrounds in just 1 click to give you 20 different looks instantly.

#3: Banner Ad Genie ($97 value)

Flash banner maker to create custom banners you can add to your store in seconds with point-n-click ease. Promote your stuff, or affiliate offers, or whatever you want with pro quality banners you can make in seconds.

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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