Subject: ★ 6 Niche sites you can clone & sell + Cloning app...


I hadn't spotted this when I bought my copy, but the WPTwin 3 day offer (which ends tomorrow) also includes 6 ready made niche sites that you can clone to use yourself or sell!

here's the list:
  1. Survival Niche Theme
  2. Pets' Niche Theme
  3. Home and Garden Theme
  4. Local Dentist Site
  5. Real Estate Agent Site
  6. BBQ Restaurant Theme 
and here's yesterday's email in case you missed it:

Wp Twin, the industry leading site cloning & restore solution just went on sale for a mega discount & agency rights.

Why’s this such a huge deal?

Because Wp Twin has already been deployed on over 2 million sites already & normally sells for a high ticket, recurring price.

in other words, this isn’t some ‘launch & gone’ software

here's a run down of some features that make it the industry leading solution:

Runs on PC, Mac, iPad, & More:

Don’t settle for using a backup plugin that will go down if your Wp site goes down.

Wp Twin is cloud based, so all you need is an internet connection to clone & restore your sites.

Clones Anything & Everything:

Everything you want on your WP site can be cloned from pages, comments, videos, to wp core & more.

Survived the test of time:

Wp Twin is constantly updated to work w/ the latest Wordpress versions & technology.

It’s been deployed on over 2 million sites already so its not another ‘launch & gone’ software.

The ultimate affiliate weapon:

Instead of going through the manual process of creating niche sites from scratch…

imagine cloning successful sites for different longtail keywords in just a click?

Ultimate ‘offline’ weapon:

Set up a fully optimized ‘offline’ site like a site for local dentists...

& clone it over & over to sell to different businesses fast. 

Change domains or hosts on the fly:

Easily move your Wp site to a new host or new domain w/ just a few clicks.

Clones full membership sites, sales pages, & more.

It doesn’t matter how big your membership site is or sales pages… clone it & redeploy w/ WpTwin saving hours of time.

Comes with ‘Agency’ rights & DFY sites to clone & sell ASAP.

Plus, if you order it today you’ll get the Agency rights & gorgeous DFY you sites to clone w/ Wp Twin.

These sites are for ‘offline’ businesses as well as affiliate marketers…

& comes fully loaded w/ the best plugins, content, permalink, & more.

But you have to act now if you want to grab the Agency Rights option:

Kind regards,
Matt Garrett

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