Subject: An Adventure in the Sunshine State. . .

An Adventure in the Sunshine State. . .
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There’s a first time for everything, and this is the first time that the Guys' and Girls' Journey is coming to FLORIDA! So this is a call to all snowbirds, sun-lovers, and anyone else who wants to join us for this new adventure in the Sunshine State!
Another first (we’re on a roll here) is that we’ll be having special guest speakers live! Paul and Jenny Speed will be joining in on the Journey experience for a few days in order to share some pivotal, real, and power-house truths with us, and we can’t wait!
Here are some details!
Who: Guys and Girls, ages 13-30
When: Saturday, March 18th – Sunday, March 26th
Where: Lake Swan Camp, Melrose, FL
Cost: $750 (family and group discounts available)
Click here for more details or to register online!

We’ll be talking about things like: How do you actually live the Christian life? What does it really look like to “know” God and how do we do it? What’s God’s will for my life? How do I beat the devil? And a lot of other life changing topics.

There will be some fun things going on as well: sports, water activities, games, along with times of singing and praise, and good camaraderie with other people who are wanting to know God better! 

Knowing God may seem boring to some, but we hope that this time away will prove that the exact opposite is true! Knowing God is the most exciting way to live EVER! (If you don’t believe it, then just come to check it out :).)

Don't forget to check out our Florida video and post to social media!