Subject: Keep These Trainers Onside This February [free report]

Good Afternoon Friend

January was a bit up and down for my portfolio of micro systems but they still pulled in +8 points. That is now +86 points since the start of August and they keep ticking along. 

A key part of this portfolio is the 'Monthly Trainers' and with that in mind I have found six to keep onside this February. 


p.s I am about to pull together all of the results from January and as requested by a few of you in my survey, this will include a spreadsheet of the Tips, with results to advised odds and BFSP - some of you win so much, BFSP appears to be the only price you can get now! :) I will email this out later in the week but the post should be up later today/tomorrow. I am interested how the tips did on the exchange, having made +88.5 points at advised prices/BOG during January. (an abnormally good month!)
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