Subject: [Closing Today] Have you missed this?

Hello Friend,

I thought i'd best let you know that Matt's Special Offer to join Geegeez Gold ends at 10pm this evening.

This is your chance to improve your horseracing betting, and enjoyment of the game, at a big discount... (just 50p initially)

Here's a quick reminder of what Geegeez Gold can and cannot do for you...

✔️ Give you more information in less time so you make better decisions

❌ Prevent losing runs (though it can help manage them)

✔️ Identify value plays in seconds with Instant Expert

❌ Guarantee you a profit from the game (though it will give you a better chance)

✔️ Massively improve your race reading and, therefore, confidence and understanding

❌ Make you better looking (though it may make you feel better looking!) 😜

✔️ Provide you with more clues than 99% of other punters to solve the racing puzzle

I know a few of you reading this already use Geegeez Gold, for those who don't, it will be a game changer for some of you.

Now the jumps season is kicking off properly, it's the perfect time to dive in. My advice would be to start by focussing on a race type you most enjoy, and use that as a way to immerse yourself within the Geegeez Racecards.

You could also focus on using the Pace-Maps, which are a great 'way in' and will help give you an edge - initially focussing on front runners and prominent racers, especially in chases!

If you're a racing fan and are excited about finding your own winners, now is the time to try Geegeez Gold.

It's arguably the best 0.50p you could ever spend as a racing punter.

Don't miss out. You've got just under 10 hours in which to take advantage of this big discount. After that, the prices will go up. You owe it to yourself to give it a go.

You can put Geegeez Gold to the test HERE >>>

All the best,
