Subject: 🎅Friend Christmas stocking fillers -89 Free Mysteries & Thrillers 🎁

89 FREE Gripping Thrillers, Mysteries & Suspense Novels

Hi Friend

I hope you're well, and getting ready for Christmas?

At the Burgess house, like everyone else, we love to get in great wines, beers, cheeses and nibbles for the ole' Christmas TV fest. Not that we're couch potatoes or anything; most of the aforementioned is consumed after winter walks along the gritty Caldon Canal that meanders through industrial Stoke and the beautiful, barren Staffordshire moorlands. 

Some of the locations featured in DI Tom Blake book 2, including the famous ravine known as Lud's Church. A place where  Robin Hood, Friar Tuck and Bonny Prince Charlie are all reputed to have hidden from the authorities in the chasm that's rumoured to be haunted by King Arthur's legendary Green Knight, Sir Gawain!

Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll get to the point. I don't normally email this often, but as a thank you for your loyal support I'd like you to have a few early Christmas presents...

A group generous authors are offering a massive 89 Great Thrillers, Mysteries & Suspense novels –all FREE! If you love these genres, grab them before they are gone. Download as many as you want. The offer includes books from great new and established authors. AND ME, J.F. Burgess, OF COURSE! The first DI TOM BLAKE murder mystery, The Killer Shadow Thieves, is part of the collection and you can get a copy for free along with any of the other books.

From historical murder mysteries to cold-case police procedurals, there's something for everyone. 

Authors wouldn't be anywhere without readers like you, so your support REALLY means a lot. I'm a firm believer that books don't need to be expensive or difficult to get hold of - so I want to encourage EVERYONE to enjoy the pleasure of books - and not just mine. 

We all like to win prizes, right? 

In the days leading up to Christmas, I'll be doing a 12 Days of Christmas competition. Each day, a crime thriller/police procedural book will be awarded to a lucky winner on my newsletter list. You'll be pleased to know you don't have to do anything at all! Just look out for my email for more info. 

There's book prizes worth over £95, including four hardbacks: MAGPIE MURDERS by Anthony Horowitz, THE DEATH OF MRS WESTAWAY by Ruth Ware and SINS OF THE DEAD by Lin Anderson, to name a few.

Finally, I don't want to clog your inbox - so you'll only hear from me when I have something I think you'll be interested in. More importantly, if you've read any great books recently that you think people should be checking out, drop me a quick email - I'd love to get your recommendations. I want to hear from you!

Have you read anything good lately?

Wishing you all the very best.


This is a spam-free zone, so I'll only ever email you to let you know about a new book release, or if I'm running a discount or promotion that I think you'll like, or if I'm giving away any cool stuff like signed copies of my books, free Kindle e-readers, tablets, book vouchers or other top-notch goodies.

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