Subject: 🕵️‍♀️ Mercenary is here!

MERCENARY is live!
Grab your copy!

Hold on to your broomsticks, this is going to be a wild ride...

Political intrigue is for wizards.

Shade has never agreed with her old mentor's advice more than she does now. But if unraveling a political conspiracy is her only chance to escape the past month of magical boot camp and goblin-sparring, interspersed with seductive attempts by her sidhe master to make their relationship permanent, then so be it.

A government spook saw something he shouldn't have--a glimpse of the Otherworld. Now his life is in danger, and it's up to Shade to save him. Unfortunately, there are a lot of monsters behind the scenes pulling political strings. Demons, sidhe, sorceresses, even the vampiric crime lord of Cleveland himself. Any one of them could have frightened the political fixer into madness.

And they'll do much worse to Shade if she threatens to uncover their secrets...
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I need your help!

I'm attending MARCON this weekend, and one of the panels I'm participating on is about humor. I need to choose a short snippet of text from the Blood Trails series to read as an example of how I use humor.

Please reply to this email and tell me your favorite funny part in any of the Blood Trails books. It could be a line or a paragraph, preferably not more than that. 

Thank you, you're all lifesavers!

You guys are amazing.

Reviews from readers like you are what make these stories possible. I'm grateful for every one of you who's ever taken the time out of your day to tell other readers about these books. If you have a moment, please leave a review and help your fellow readers find these series...

Thank you so much, you rock.

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