Subject: Sunday Affirmation for a Spectacular Week!

Hey Beautiful!
How are you on this loving Sunday? I woke up REALLY early....deep in thoughts of gratitude and deep appreciation for life, for all that is and for all The Divine provides.

I wanted to share some of that light-stream with you and offer an affirmation / mantra to create a spectacular week! 

I fully believe and have witnessed....what you do on your Sunday.....the energy you give to something....the focused intent you hold....sets the stage for the week ahead! 

What do you want to create and experience this week?

Here is a beautiful Mantra / Affirmation you can use to create beautiful miracles this week......

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Have a radiant, loving and joyful Sunday and week!!!

Tara & KG!

2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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