Then I remembered....after taking a moment to meditate after breaking down.....the magic is within. Cliche sounding, I know....but it's soooooo true. My attitude, energy and state of being is far more important than getting all the tree and decorating stuff done. the kids pick up on it and it makes the entire house a stress-house.
Magic is in the snuggles, the smiles, the connection, the movie nights on the couch in our pjs, watching the boys jolly-jump for the first time, watching Aria watch the boys jolly-jump! And all the little beautiful moments in between! Even as I write this to you...I've stopped several times to just kiss and snuggle the boys!
I REALLY had to shift my perspective this year and deeply lift myself out of my "norm" and back to my natural state of being - JOY! LOVE! CLEAR! And....I choose to make even 5 minutes of meditation important EVERY stay grounded, clear, sane, supported during this busy time!