Subject: Tune in Tomorrow for Inside Out Living Show - Nutrition & Natural Cures

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Join me and my guest Hattie McCutcheona Certified Practitioner of Natural Medicine and a Nutritional Coach on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 8pm EST as we discuss “Nutrition & Natural Cures.” Do you eat healthy, but still have physical ailments? Don’t blame it all on aging. Find out the cause and effects and how to reverse them.

Discover the essential nutrients to thrive naturally in your health for life. Call (478) 250-9799 to listen to the live interview. All are welcome.

Show Guest: 
Hattie's passion for healing began at the early age of 7 years old after losing her mother to a illness. Hattie vowed to find the root cause of her mother’s early death. Through research, she discovered that the illness was directly linked to a natural deficiency. Now, her mission is to help prevent premature death of others and of their loved ones. Hattie provides nutritional information and resources to any who desires to naturally thrive in their health. Some of her nutritional training is influenced by Dr Joel Wallach, the author of Dead Doctors Don't Lie.

Hattie is a Certified Practitioner of Natural Medicine and a Nutritional Coach. She is the owner of two Holistic Wellness Centers, one of which is located in Chicago, Illinois since 2010. She is in the process of establishing another center in the Philadelphia area. Through the Holistic Wellness Centers, she and her staff work with clients to reverse and prevent over 900 diseases. They use natural energy healing sources, vitamins, and mineral supplementation. Their motto is 90 for Life.

Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions.  Feel free to send in your questions early or post them on our Facebook page.

Look forward to having you join in to view the show. 

Inspired to Inspire You,

Rachel Moore

Moore of Rachel, 106 Jordan Drive, Lizella, GA 31052, United States

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