Subject: OUR NEW STORY by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme 2014-2020

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Newsletter by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme
23 November 2017
Issue 3
The 2nd Call for Proposals is Launched!
The 2nd call for project proposals is launched now with the deadline of the 22nd of February 2018. The call is open for the project proposals contributing to the following thematic objectives: 

1. Promotion of social inclusion and fight against poverty;
2. Support to local and regional good governance; 

3. Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage. 

You will find all relevant information on our website.
Last Day to Register!

Potential applicants of the 2nd call for project proposals are reminded to register to seminars in Daugavpils, Vilnius and Minsk (only 1 day is left until the registration is closed!). Register.
Partner Search on Facebook
Fun & Games
In addition to the standard way to search for partners using the Partner Search facility on our website, you can now also exchange ideas in our Facebook group, dedicated especially to the partner search. Feel free to join, post, comment!
Guess how many applications will be submitted during the 2nd call for project proposals! 
Send your answer to till 
22 December 2017 and have a 
chance to win a Programme souvenir!
The content of the Newsletter is the sole responsibility of the JTS and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Sventaragio str. 2, LT-01510, Vilnius, Lithuania
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