Subject: 2FOR1 offer for the virtual Protein Degradation Congress

Join us as we go virtual in less than 2 weeks!
There are just under 2 weeks left before 200+ protein degradation researchers from across the globe come together virtually for the 2nd European Protein Degradation Congress on 28-30 September (CEST Timezone), will you be joining them to discuss the next steps to making the undruggable druggable?
Connect with the community driving degrader innovation and discuss how to degrade any protein and how to produce a therapeutic viable bifunctional drug product.

Below is just a small selection of the companies and institutions you can expect to connect with at the virtual congress.

  • Leading pharmaceutical and multinational companies: Novartis, GSK, Roche, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Takeda and AbbVie
    • Pioneering biotechs: Arvinas, Kymera Therapeutics, Captor Therapeutics, PolyProx Therapeutic and BioTheryX
      • International research institutes: Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Harvard University, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research and CeMM
        • Solution and service providers: Promega, Pelago Biosciences, Bio-Techne, WuXi AppTec and NanoTemper

          To find out more about this year's attendees, download the sample delegate list here.

          To make the congress as accessible as possible in these turbulent times, we’re offering two tickets for the price of one – make sure to quote 2FOR1 at checkout.
          We hope to see you online in 2 weeks!

          Best regards,

          The Protein Degradation Team
          Kisaco Research
          41a Maltby Street
          Ground Floor
          SE1 3PA
          United Kingdom