Subject: Why I Trade One Strategy Per Match🎯


I hope you’re having a great week!

This year's goal is to be a profitable trader.

There are individual habits that lead to success and building a bank. When it comes to trading on Betfair, we all know that mental focus is one of the keys to trading. I get asked this question a lot about trading on Betfair. 

Anyone can succeed at trading, but not everyone does. It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to trade with every strategy you know, but that will fail. You need to pick one strategy and stick with it.

The key here is to choose a strategy that works well for you and your personality. It is highly individualized and will require some trial and error. Make sure you are comfortable with the strategy you choose or it won’t make it long enough to see real success.

Today's video discusses my experience using one strategy per match and its success.

Watch the video here, Why I Trade One Strategy Per Match, and find out how the same strategy can work for you.



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