Subject: Join us for a beer - All the details!

Are you ready for a beer and some laughs?

We know we are! Infact we are buzzing for it, you know the buzz you get....

You know you are off out with your mates, you look forward to it all day, maybe you've even got a new shirt ready ;)

Get home, get some scran down you and get the Brut out splash of that make you smell good .

Then you get to the pub and all your mates are there first pint is in..... that cold refreshing tang hits the back of your mouth


That's what's happening on Monday, although we wont be able to smell the Brut!

Monday 7.30pm on YouTube join the BTC lads for a beer and a chat. The link to the meet up is here: Get into the BTC Social 

I'd recommend that you click on the 'Set Reminder' on the video so you don't miss it and also create a note on the calendar.

This is going to be a HELL of a lot of fun!

I'll see you Monday!


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