Subject: Can you be profitable for less than £40?

Is it possible to be a profitable trader for less than £40? The answer is yes. In this email, I'm going to share with you what you need to get started!

  1. You need to pick a sport - Pick a sport which you know a little bit about. The mistake most make is to pick a sport because they think they should trade it. Pick a sport that you are around to trade, why trade horses if you work all day?

  2. You need to pick a strategy - Pick 1 strategy and focus on that! The mistake many make is to try and get all the strategies at once, it starts well but let's be honest you'll never track it ;)

  3. You need to get your selections - Have a repeatable system for collecting your selections. Betfair Trading Community (29.99+VAT) You'll get all your strategies every day

There you have it!

This is exactly what hundreds of my members have done to be profitable month after month.

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