Subject: whoops, my email program messed up

Hi Sorry about all the gibberish in the last email--my email program messed up on me for some reason, and converted everything to html. Anyway, here is the original email again: Hope you've had a good week! Just wanted to let you know, is now offering feedback loopers on the website. It's a really cool pedal, if you like weird noises...its hard to describe, but I have some soundclips here: Starting price will be $65, with several upgrades available: all kinds of different knobs, different paint colors. The one thing I DON'T have is a cool name--if you can think of one, let me know! I've also upgraded several mods this week: boss cs-3, boss fz-3 fuzz, dano fabtone, and boss bd-2. Just wanted to keep you updated! Thanks, Brian ps--sorry again for the last email, if you weren't able to read it!! :)