Subject: Friend, New video is up on the DIY overdrive site... course coming shortly!

Hi Friend,

Good news!

A few months ago I mentioned that I was working on a DIY pedal course and it would be ready around the end of March.

Well, good AND some bad news. The good news is I'm about half done with editing and I have an example from one of the modules up for you to check out:

Click "about this upcoming course" and if you're logged in you'll be able to view it.

The bad news: I originally thought this course was going to be about 2 hours long in all. Right now it's looking about twice that in all - but it's a very in depth course, broken up into topics/short chunks so it's easier to take it all in, as well as much more organized than anything else like it. I'm guessing it's about 2 more weeks away or so from being ready for release.

Anyway, check out that video if your curious and I'll probably put a few more up this week as well as examples.


Brian Wampler

Wampler Pedals /

PS...I'll be selling some breadboard modules as well that will help with creating these circuits in the course. While it isn't 100% necessary, it does make it easier to breadboard. Right now I only have about 50 in stock, so if you want one please let me know asap so I can order parts for the next batch, which should be ready about the time the course is done: