Subject: SRV tones with a Plexidrive? Check it out Friend!

Hi Friend,

Hope your week is going well! :)

I wanted to send you this video... Travis (he's usually the guy answering
the phone and talking tone if you call the office) told me the other day that
he's getting almost exact SRV tones from the Plexidrive. Pretty crazy since
it's what I'd call my "JTM45 type sound in pedal form". I didn't really believe
him, but then he decides to bring in a video he recorded at home to prove it
to me.

I was blown away! Granted, Travis is a GREAT player. But still... it was so
accurate I just couldn't believe it. Using a backing track he downloaded,
playing through a Fargen Blackbird (amp) and Grosh Strat, he blew my
mind... even if he did miss that last note :D (see video at the end).

Check it out here:
Make sure you watch it in at least 720p for best sound quality!

Now keep in mind... this isn't a "Plexidrive Pedal Demo" as you might
expect, rather it's just one employee's love for the pedal wanting to show
me what kind of stuff he's using it for - I love this kind of stuff; it's always
great to see stuff I designed inspiring musicians creatively!

Thanks, and have a great week!

PS - don't forget - the new Dual Fusion pedal will be out March 25th, stay
tuned for the next newsletters... we are giving one away to a newsletter
member shortly!
