Subject: New book Friend: Amplifier mods made easy!

Hi Friend-
Some very cool stuff is in the works! I'm getting ready to write
another book that will teach you how to modify nearly any amplifier
(either tube or solid state) and make it sound much better.
I won't go into detail much on the Marshall/vintage Fender tube amp
mods, since everyone and their brother is already doing that. Instead,
the new book will approach modifying amps just like the effects book
approaches modifying pedals.

I want to hear from you! What would you personally find useful in a
book such as this? Please post at the forum:

Lastly, I'm getting ready to post more modifications for those who have
purchased the DIY mods. Make absolutely sure you are signed up to be notified of those. Email to get on the mailing list and be notified of updates.


PS -- PLEASE let me know what kind of amp you have! That way I can
create modifications for the amps that are the most common. Post here: