Subject: Hi Friend, quick question for you

Hi Friend, I have a real quick question for you. I'm designing a program to help guitarists of all levels. If you could help me, I'd really appreciate it. Here's the question: What are the top 3 things (on guitar) you wish you could learn right now? Or, what are the 3 most important things you have learned in the past, that helped you get better? Also, I wanted to tell you, you may not see the paypal link at anymore, but you may still use paypal for the diy kits if you'd like. Also, a bit of heavier news...I've decided after much thought, I am going to take some time off from doing pedal modifications for a while, in order to concentrate on some other things I'm working on. The diy kits will still be available, and everything else will be the same, however. Thanks, Brian