Subject: Hi Friend - new Indyguitarist podcast/mp3 ready

Hi Friend,
Hope you are doing well!

I just wanted to let you know a few things...

A new podcast is up. Subscribe (it's free) at
or you can download the mp3 directly:

Also, there may be some errors on the website over the next week or so while we implement
the new member system to regulate the sharing of paid DIY downloads. If you get an error
message asking you to login to a new system, send me an email and we'll take care of it.

Lastly, Brad from will be carrying our pedals very soon - Brad's a great guy
and has just about every pedal you can imagine. Super quick shipping too. He even has a storefront
so if you are in Louisiana, you can stop by and play them, or check him out at the nearest guitar
convention near you.

Thanks and have a great week,

If you think your friends may enjoy the podcast, forward them this email!