Subject: Hi Friend - Indyguitarist new mods

Hi Friend!

Hope your week has been good!

Here are a few updates we had at and -- had serious server problems this week...some of you noticed it wasn't working. I put a 'mirror' up of the site at - that way if has problems again, you can still access your diy info that you might need.

Also, here are a couple of new mods...first, the new BRENT MASON ts-9 mod...I originally designed it for MY needs, to use with my personal gigging rig. I was Blessed by getting to jam with Brent a couple of weeks ago, and I was using the pedal...he then asked me if he could buy it from I traded him for one of his 'old' bd-2's, which is now in my rig....I WILL have another ts-9 though soon!!! Here is the soundclip:

NEW! TS-9 "BSM" mod Soundclip


And secondly, I was messing around with a boss sd-1, and modded it to basically be a Fulldrive Fulltone 2 clone...only $100 cheaper!!

Now seriously...we ALL know the fulldrive is a hot rodded tubescreamer, right? We also know the sd-1 is basically a tubescreamer with a few changes. So I got to wondering if I could make the sd-1 SOUND, FEEL, and RESPOND like the fulldrive...and I DID IT!! 

Check out this soundclip--both pedals are set exactly the same, played through a laney vc-30 which is basically a vox ac-30, and I used a strat (single coils). On the clip, I'll play the fulldrive first, kick it off, and then play the sd-1 mod -- in my opinion it sounds even BETTER than the fulldrive!!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know of the updates this week!

Have a good week!

Brian and