Subject: Hi Friend - Indyguitarist latest news and apology

Hi Friend, I hope your week is going great for you! Here are the latest developments with and TOPICS *********************************************** * Apology * New Pinnacle pedal design, new circuit * Blue Fuzz and PhatAxx redesigns * "How to modify and build effects" book special *********************************************** I owe my customers an apology. I've been slow to respond to emails and phone calls lately, but there is a good reason. Justin and I have been working literally night and day (stopping to sleep for about 5 hours a night!) to build a better, FATTER, and more natural overdrive and distortion. Speaking of overdrive and distortions, many folks have asked me why the Pinnacle and Vintage Overdrive is no longer on the website (at ). I'm actually going to let the cat out of the bag... We've discontinued the Pinnacle (as we use to know it) and it evolved into the "Pinnacle 2"! I discovered that in some customers rigs the opamp used in the pedal was not sounding very good - some rigs it sounded awesome! So, we took that the information from our customers, and designed a new version. THIS one uses no opamp at all. In fact, this is the "tubiest" (if that's a word) distortion and overdrive I've built or played so far. Definately time well spent over the last 5 or 6 weeks! This pedal is similar to the former pinnacle in that there is both an overdrive AND distortion channel in it. BUT - it is much more flexible, much more natural sounding, and I believe this is the pedal that will put Indyguitarist Pedals on the 'map'! Here are a couple of soundclips for you Friend. Please notice that I use regular, 'average' tube amps for my soundclips. In this case a peavey classic 50. Many builders will give you soundclips through a $3000 boutique amp...and nearly EVERYTHING sounds great through them! ;) Distortion circuit: Overdrive Circuit: No pictures yet of the pedal, and it isn't on the website yet, but the price will be around $200 I imagine since it is a much more involved build. If you want one, just reply back and I'll send you a paypal invoice. ********************************* NEW BLUE FUZZ AND PHATAXX DESIGNS ********************************* Also new this week: New bluefuzz and Phataxx designs. Check them out at *********************************************** "HOW TO BUILD EFFECT PEDALS" AND "HOW TO MODIFY EFFECT PEDALS" BOOK SPECIAL PRICING **FOR NEWSLETTER MEMBERS ONLY!** *********************************************** Lastly, I've noticed many folks have been purchasing both of our books, our "how to build effect pedals" as well as our "how to modify effect pedals". This totals up to $100 so I'd like to offer my newsletter members a special price break on both of them when purchased at once. $75 + $5 for shipping (in the USA, outside of the usa, $10 shipping) will get you both books at once, as well as complete technical support of the projects in them! Here is the link to take advantage of the special price: Thanks and take care, Brian PS - We are also going to offer a cheaper version of the "how to build effect pedals" book in the coming weeks. However, there will be no technical support at all with this version. You may purchase technical support seperately if you wish though for $15/encounter. This will be available in several more weeks.