Subject: Hi Friend - I'm back! New IndyGuitarist updates

Hi Friend
I'm finally home from Guatemala! It's nice to be back home.
It's also nice to get my hands back on a guitar after weeks
away - I was rusty to say the least! ;)

A couple of new developments over the past month or so:

I am splitting up the Indyguitarist website a bit - you'll
notice some links will go to, DIY effect pedals
will be at, and Indyguitarist pedals will
be sold at

I realize it sounds odd and complicated, but there are several
reasons why I must do that. You'll see that the sites will be
connected though. Also, you'll see that newer pedals will
start to say "Wampler Pedals", or "Wampler Effects" instead
of Indyguitarist Effects. Does this mean that people are going
to ebay their "vintage indyguitarist" effects for big money?
I'm not sure, only time will tell!

New "Brent Mason" Signature pedal coming soon
You may or not know who Brent Mason is, but he's a session
guitarist that plays on most of the country songs you hear on
the radio as well as countless movie, tv show, and even top 40
rock songs.

I've been developing a special pedal that would different than
any other pedal available, and deliver the goods better than
anything he has. I think we've finally hit upon the right
combination of circuits! This one is two seperate overdrives
in one pedal. Both overdrives are totally different sounding
from each other, neither are tubescreamer based.

Look for a release of this pedal in the next couple of weeks.

New "Ectasy Overdrive" pedal
On keeping the "amplifier in a box" theme, I've designed an
overdrive that is another all-original design... if you watched
my video on (
then you've seen the first design of it. I will have pictures and
a soundclip up shortly - if you want to be on the list for the
first batch, let me know and I'll contact you when your pedal is

The pedal will have two switches, one for on/off, the other has
a switch for a "solo boost", or a level boost when you need more

Thanks and have a great weekend Friend,
