Subject: And the winner of the free pedal is.....

Hi Friend
Last week we had a free pedal giveaway. The contest is now over,
though we'll have another giveaway in a few weeks. Congrats to
David Bristow of Hampshire Englan on winning the Ecstasy Drive!

We'll have another contest in a few weeks and give out another pedal.

Recently vintage guitar interviewed me for their 'builder profile'
column and it's now in the current Vintage Guitar mag.
Check it out here:

Lastly, if you are a facebook user, make sure you add me as a
friend. is my
personal page (that's where you'll see my wife tell me to pick
up milk from the store, lol!) and for the Wampler Pedals 'offical'
page you can "like" it here:

Thanks and have a great week-
