complete guide to on-page optimization - IM NewsWatch, August 9, 2022

August 9th, 2022 at 8:22 am EDT


IM NewsWatch


Creating a Sales Strategy for YouTube [Video]

Does your company or brand create and publish videos on YouTube, but you’re having trouble converting them into sales? Or do you feel you could be doing more to grow your views, subscribers, and audience? Watch Content Marketing Institute’s video ‘Creating a Sales Strategy for YouTube’ to make more sales on YouTube. Content Marketing... [Read more]

How do HTTP Status Codes Impact SEO? [Answered]

Your SEO strategy is a blend of several elements including site design, content quality, site speed, and security measures. An HTTP status code is a server response to a browser’s request. When you visit a website, your browser sends a request to the site’s server, and the server then responds to the browser’s request with a three-digit... [Read more]

Building and Scaling Your Brand Identity in a Digital World, August 10 [Webinar]

Organizations invest lots of time and money to build and sustain their brands but maintaining brand integrity can be challenging – especially when multiple people are involved in creating brand content across many different touchpoints. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Building and Scaling Your Brand Identity in a Digital World’... [Read more]

CB Income Bot automatically builds sites to sell Clickbank products #ad

If you want the easiest way to build affiliate sites, CB Income Bot may be it. In fact, the creators promise, “NO Technical Skill – NO Content Writing – NO Extra Costs – NO Guesswork”. Clickbank, as you may know, is a large marketplace of digital products (e-books, videos, etc.) offered for promotion by affiliates, who... [Read more]

The complete guide to on-page optimization [Guide]

On-page optimization refers to the measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. Search Engine Land has published ‘The complete guide to on-page optimization’ explaining how to take your on-site optimization to the next level, create top-performing pages and achieve desired... [Read more]

Getting Started in SEO: 10 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs to Succeed, August 10 [Webinar]

Creating and executing your first SEO strategy can seem daunting and complicated. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Getting Started in SEO: 10 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs to Succeed’ on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 1.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “But, with the right resources, businesses of any size can see the growth... [Read more]

How to write a successful blog [Podcast]

Charity Digital has published its latest podcast episode ‘How to write a successful blog’ featuring Nick Wyatt, Ashley Fontaine, Ioan Marc Jones and Laura Stanley. The Charity Digital team says, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an organisation in possession of a website must be in want of a blog. Everybody seems to blog.... [Read more]

Dr. Loy Puckett Premium Medical Content: Preventative Health PLR #ad

Nobody likes getting sick so wellness is a growing online trend. New PLR Preventative Health PLR from Dr Loy Puckett (a.k.a. Dr. Loy) lets you enter this popular wellness niche. Now, even if you lack medical expertise, you can use medically accurate information on your wellness website, social media, ebook, or emails by using Dr. Loy’s content. This... [Read more]

10 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs to Succeed, August 10 [Webinar]

Small businesses often know the importance of SEO but they don’t always know where to start. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Getting Started In SEO: 10 Things Every SEO Strategy Needs to Succeed’ on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Register now and learn the ten things every SEO campaign... [Read more]

Marketing Transformation with Team Alignment [Video]

Content Marketing Institute has published a new video, ‘Marketing Transformation with Team Alignment’, sharing some useful tips on how to achieve marketing success as a team. The CMI team says, “When trying a new initiative, like implementing new technology or overhauling a website, is your team dysfunctional or are they ready to tackle... [Read more]

Building Internal Links for SEO

Internal linking helps users and search engines to discover content and pages on your website to ultimately improve keyword rankings and organic traffic. Hallam’s Rachel Holey has published an article sharing nine practices to improve internal linking for SEO. She says, “If you take away all internal links from your website, your users and... [Read more]

BotMatic: Facebook, Instagram Chatbot, Automation Tool #ad

Can you really put your marketing on autopilot? BotMatic makes it possible. Thanks to this brand new automation and chatbot technology, it’s now easier than ever to automate your online marketing. Firelaunchers and their partners, Ankur Shukla and Ashwath Shivaram have spent months building, testing and perfecting a new marketing automation tool... [Read more]

A Marketer’s Life Beyond (Third-Party) Cookies [Report]

With the introduction of GDPR, a host of other data privacy laws, and consumers who want to know how their data is being used and distributed. GDPR and other privacy laws have changed how marketers can collect and use consumer data. MarketingProfs has published a new report ‘A Marketer’s Life Beyond (Third-Party) Cookies’. The MarketingProfs... [Read more]

Schema Strategy – How To Get More From The SERPs [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal has published a new podcast episode ‘Schema Strategy – How To Get More From The SERPs’ featuring Martha van Berkel, CoFounder and CEO of Schema App. Watch this podcast to learn the following: How internet connectivity differentiates from schema. How important is marking your site to reflect the actual content? Why... [Read more]

Five Ways to Improve YouTube Marketing

Video content creation and marketing is a creative job that requires consistent efforts. Quality video content can help you boost your business growth. Content Marketing Institute contributor Kim Moutsos has published an article featuring five YouTube video content marketing improvement tips. She says, “How’s that for a headline that promises... [Read more]

YoDrive: lightning-fast hosting for videos, images, media #ad

YoDrive media hosting service responds to the fact that people are busy. They don't want to wait for your website media to be displayed; they want to see (and hear) them now, not in 15 seconds.... [Read more]

How to Create Instant Leads

Lead generation is the process of gaining the interest of potential customers in order to increase future sales. It is a crucial part of the sales process of any business. Copyblogger’s Tim Stoddart has published an article featuring 20 call to action examples for generating instant leads. He says, “While your exact copy will depend entirely... [Read more]

Strategies to Improve Communication with Your Customers [Video]

Communication is the backbone of your marketing campaigns. Effective communication enables you to move closer to your audience and persuade them to take an action. Watch Neil Patel’s latest video ‘How to Improve Communication with Your Customers’ to improve communication with your customers. He says, “If you want to build a... [Read more]

Reach Streaming Consumers for Holiday Campaign Success, August 11 [Webinar]

Today’s consumer is digital—whether they’re watching connected TV, streaming audio or shopping online. With digital channels booming, retailers have more data-driven paths than ever to reach connected consumers with relevant and seamless interactions. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Reach Streaming Consumers for Holiday Campaign Success’... [Read more]

IdeaPlan: how to crowdsource, prioritize, launch your products #ad

Designed for Entrepreneurs, startups and product managers, IdeaPlan helps to: Understand what customers need, Prioritize feedback, and, Align everyone around your product change roadmap.... [Read more]

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