Tips for selling to the millennials using social media, IM NewsWatch, December 10, 2018

December 10th, 2018 at 7:41 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, December 10, 2018

Four tips to enhance your SEO

Search engines are one of the biggest sources of web traffic today. With dynamic algorithms they continue to validate and index everything that you publish online. Right SEO techniques are mandatory to get your content indexed quickly in the leading spots. ReadWrite contributor Richard Parker has shared four tips to help businesses improve their SEO... [Read more]

Best 10 of Recode’s 2018 podcasts

Recode has published 240 podcasts in 2018. The company has shared the top 10 podcasts from its directory of 2018. Eric Johnson says, “When you make your holiday travel plans this year, don’t forget about podcasts. They’re perfect for long car trips and plane rides, and the end of the year is a great time to catch up on the biggest and most... [Read more]

Tips for selling to the millennials using social media

The word Millennials stands for the group of people reaching young adulthood in the early 21st century. Today the millennial generation is a promising market for the brands as they have a great stake when it comes to online shopping. The millennials are also dominating over the social media which is an opportunity for the brands. Entrepreneur contributor... [Read more]

“World’s first AI Video/Audio Messaging Platform” #ad

XMarketer Suite bills itself as the world’s first AI based video and voice call platform. Their launch week is almost over, but if you hurry, you can get it for a one-time price, rather than a renewable subscription. Why would you need it? Well, its job is to communicate with your customers and potential customers. The AI (artificial intelligence)... [Read more]

The Advantages YouTube Ads Have Over Facebook Ads [Video]

Online advertising has been evolving with a variety of modes you can reach a wider audience. With the rise of social media sites it has become easier to promote our products and services. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Eric Siu has shared a video featuring John Crestani who provides a comparative analysis of the YouTube and Facebook ads. Entrepreneur... [Read more]

15 Best WordPress Video Themes in 2019 [HubSpot]

Those who use blogging as a marketing tool know how important video is when it comes to persuading more people to take an action. Video is one of the most used and effective tools that helps us convey the marketing message in an effective manner. There exist several WordPress video themes we can use for vlogging (video blogging). HubSpot columnist Kristen... [Read more]

Enhance your holiday customer service with these tips

Serving our customers well is one of the most important things that we want to do as it leads our organization to growth. The holiday season brings us a lot of rush and in it we need to meet the expectations of our customers. Forrester analyst Ian Jacobs has shared some useful tips on emphasizing emotions in our customer service to make it more appealing. Jacobs... [Read more]

VidBullet launches today, with 30 day challenge #ad

VidBullet has launched. We have been telling about this remarkable new marketing tool all week. Now, you can finally see it in action. The "VidBullet 30 Day Challenge" celebrates the launch with a friendly competition using this new tool.... [Read more]

Trends In Marketing Measurement You Need To Follow In 2019 [Video]

The new year is just a few days away so it is high time we find out what the future holds for our brands. Marketing measurement is one of the most important elements that helps you effectively find out the impact of your campaigns. Forrester analyst Jim Nail has shared a video talking about the trends in marketing measurement for the year 2019. Nail... [Read more]

‘Connect TV Ads to Business Outcomes: A New Currency for Media Buys’ Webinar December 11

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Connect TV Ads to Business Outcomes: A New Currency for Media Buys’ on Tuesday, December 11 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Winning TV advertisers are looking beyond impressions and traditional ratings systems to measure performance and prove ROI of their campaigns. By being able to track how... [Read more]

Forrester publishes ‘Predictions 2019’ guide

Forrester has published the ‘Predictions 2019’ guide. The guide focuses on 14 trends to expect in the coming year. It is available as a free download post registration. Forrester team says, “Seismic shifts in the market are challenging the existing leadership norms, business models, technology agendas, and customer engagement strategies... [Read more]

DM Is For Everyone" helps you automate your online business #ad

If you want a business instead of a job, take a look at this 'Digital Marketing Is For Everyone'. The reality of most online earning models is that they require a lot of work. No matter what the promise is, when you dig in, the majority of online business methods take a lot of time... [Read more]

Tips to humanize your marketing efforts

Touching upon the hearts of your prospects is the best way to turn them into customers. You need an authentic approach mixed with creativity to get more customers. Econsultancy columnist Hazjier Pourkhalkhali has shared some useful insights on using digital body language to bring a human touch to marketing. Pourkhalkhali says, “In this piece,... [Read more]

Content Comprehensiveness [MOZ Video]

Search engine prefer the content that makes sense, easy to digest and helpful to the Internet surfers. Creating a piece of content that gets high credit in search engines is a challenging job. The MOZ team has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Kameron Jenkins on ‘Content Comprehensiveness’. Jenkins in this video shares some... [Read more]

State of WordPress

I’m attending WordCamp in Nashville. Learning a lot about future and recent past of WordPress. Listening now to Joost deValk, creator of the Yoast SEO plugin. He’s talking about how he built his “freemium model for his business. ” The most important news is that 2 days ago, WordPress 5.0 was released. This is a major overhaul.... [Read more]

Socifeed builds videos take hold of your viewers' hearts #ad

Video marketing is unavoidable in today's online shopping experience. That means that marketers who don't use it are at a disadvantage. Using good videos that grab people's attention and hold it can make any marketer's profits increase.... [Read more]

What will happen to VR in 2019?

Virtual Reality (VR) has occupied its space in today’s advanced technological developments and the marketing channels have been benefiting from it. The year is about to end and the new one is starting in a month’s time so its high time we find out what future holds for VR. HubSpot’s Amanda Zantal-Wiener has published a comprehensive... [Read more]

Here are homepage designs you would like to follow

You need to keep your website fresh to give a new and refreshing experience to your visitors. Today several sites with simple designs have made their mark. HubSpot contributor Lindsay Kolowich has shared 23 website homepage examples that you may like to observe before renovating your site. Kolowich says, “What makes a website’s homepage design brilliant... [Read more]

Lessons to improve your content marketing

Content marketing, a form of marketing that uses engaging, helpful content to build a loyal following, isn’t easy to do well. You need to continually innovate to keep your content and the presentation of it fresh. Whatever technologies you use to build your content need to be reviewed regularly to assure that you are reaching the audience you... [Read more]

Create Attention-­Grabbing Professional Videos In Just Minutes #ad

Explaindio, perennial favorite for marketing videos, has been upgraded again. For years, Explaindio has been a big seller among individual marketers and small businesses who wanted to create professional marketing videos. Thousands of copies have been sold. We bought a copy of the very first version and have never regretted it.... [Read more]

‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ Webinar December 13

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing: Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals’ on Thursday, December 13 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Influencer marketing isn’t just a trendy marketing tactic. It’s a sound business strategy. But it’s important to understand that influencer... [Read more]

Four ways to improve your digital stories

Connecting with the people has to be the ultimate goal of any brand as it can lead you to convert more prospects into customers. And storytelling is one of the best ways to touch people’s hearts. Marketing Land contributor Julian Baring has shared four ways to help marketers improve their digital storytelling efforts. Baring says, “When... [Read more]

Improve your SEO performance with these tasks

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most important elements that plays a vital role in getting more customers by offering a wide exposure to your brand. Search Engine Land columnist Jeremy Knauff has shared some critical tasks that can help you strengthen your SEO efforts. Knauff says, “In this article, I’m going to dig into the tasks that... [Read more]

Lessons to learn from Google de-indexing

Search Engine Land was recently delisted from the Google search results. Barry Schwartz has shared the lessons the Search Engine Land team learnt when their site was mistakenly deleted. Schwartz says, “The irony of a website dedicated to covering search engine marketing getting accidentally delisted by Google was not lost on us (or the community).... [Read more]

MOZ’s guide to build linked unstructured citations for local SEO

Search Engine Optimization plays a pivotal role in helping you build an online credibility in the eyes of the search engines. Today local SEO also has a significant role to play in brand building. MOZ contributor Miriam Ellis has shared a short guide to help webmasters build linked unstructured citations for enhancing local SEO. Ellis says, “Link... [Read more]

‘Trust Your Gut and Validate with Data: How Smithfield Foods Uses Unified Marketing Measurement’ Webinar December 18

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Trust Your Gut and Validate with Data: How Smithfield Foods Uses Unified Marketing Measurement’ on Tuesday, December 18 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “Strong marketing decision-making can’t be based on emotion. Sure, that big sponsorship makes sense. But how do you prove it with data? That’s... [Read more]

Get more website links with these strategies

Link building is an evergreen tactic to help you get your sites indexed in the search engines. But getting quality links is a challenge and you need to work hard for getting it done. Search Engine Land columnist Paddy Moogan has shared seven tactics to help brands get quality links to their sites. Moogan says, “Below are seven link building tactics... [Read more]

Improve your content marketing with these sources

It is difficult to have 100% of your own content in an article. You need to make your content authentic by inserting relevant facts and figures from various sources. Identifying such quality sources is a challenging task in this information-excess world of the Internet. Content Marketing Institute contributor Manish Dudharejia has shared seven sources... [Read more]

Everything you need to know about YouTube Stories

Last week we reported the launch of YouTube Stories which takes YouTube parallel to Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook in the Stories segment. Econsultancy’s Nikki Gilliland has shared a comprehensive article on YouTube Stories and its significance. Gilliland says, “The latest social media app to experiment with Stories is YouTube, with its... [Read more]

Econsultancy shows how Nike uses Facebook and Instagram

Knowing how the top performing brands use social media can help you strengthen your social marketing efforts. Econsultancy columnist Sean Cole has shared a detailed case on how Nike uses Facebook and Instagram for its branding process. Cole says, “In this article I’m going to discuss how the brand uses the two largest social media platforms,... [Read more]

Upsell your customers with these strategies

Upselling is an act of selling more to your customers than what they wanted to purchase. It helps you market to your existing customers and easily improve sales. Entrepreneur contributor Syed Balkhi has shared three tips to help marketers upsell to their customers. Balkhi says, “Let’s look at four tips to upsell existing customers: Make the... [Read more]

Forbes’ seven b2b marketing strategies for 2019

The new year is approaching fast and we need to keep ourselves ready for the new marketing game. With newer ideas we can win more customers. Forbes contributor Tom Taulli has shared seven expert’s opinions on preparing effective b2b marketing strategies for the coming year. Taulli says, “Marketing in the B2B world is always tough. Let’s... [Read more]

Six-step guide to create a marketing plan

Promotion and sales of your products and services depends on how effectively you have planned your marketing campaigns. A well-planned marketing agenda can help you easily establish in a new market. Forbes contributor Alejandro Cremades has shared a six-step guide to help you prepare an efficient marketing plan. Cremades says, “What steps are... [Read more]

Four reasons you should do market research

Knowing the need for your product and services in the market helps you rightly prepare and promote it. Many a times this research can help you to come out with an altogether new product too. Entrepreneur contributor Jasal Shah shared four reasons why brands should get into market research. Shah says, “Market Research is a fundamental tool in any... [Read more]

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