Seven ways to improve your business with data analytics - IM NewsWatch, April 4, 2019

April 4th, 2019 at 10:38 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Teach Yourself Online Marketing With This Simple Technique [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video featuring Neil Patel on ‘Teach Yourself Online Marketing With This Simple Technique’. In this video Patel shares a useful technique to start your brand marketing. The Entrepreneur team says, “Marketing is an essential part of any growing business. If you want to teach yourself... [Read more]

‘Content Across the Lifecycle—How B2Bs Use Content as a Marketing and Sales Tool’ Webinar 1.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The eMarketer team is hosting a webinar ‘Content Across the Lifecycle—How B2Bs Use Content as a Marketing and Sales Tool’ on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. This webinar will be presented by Jillian Ryan, principal analyst at eMarketer, Ted Lesher is the managing director of BrandMaker, Inc. and Lauren Fisher, principal analyst... [Read more]

‘Measure the Effectiveness of Pandora Advertising’ Webinar 1.00 pm ET [Webinar]

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Measure the Effectiveness of Pandora Advertising’ on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The AdWeek team says, “Pandora is the largest streaming music provider in the U.S., connecting over 120 million users to the audio entertainment they love. Pandora advertisers have the opportunity to reach their audiences... [Read more]

Linking analytics and ads: The solution to today’s marketing challenges [Google Guide]

The Google team has published a new guide ‘Linking analytics and ads: The solution to today’s marketing challenges’. This guide focuses on how combining Google Analytics and Google Ads can help you build effective campaigns for the modern customer journey. The Google Marketing Platform team says, “The rise of mobile devices... [Read more]

Seven Ways to Improve Your Business with Data Analytics

Today data has become a precious asset for any organization. Proper utilization of customer data can help you make right decisions and grow your business. The Analytics Insight contributor Piya Dialani has shared seven ways to use data analytics to improve your business performance. Dialani says, “Organisations use data analytics to get... [Read more]

‘Let Customer Reviews Drive Your Conversions’ Webinar 1.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘Let Customer Reviews Drive Your Conversions’ on Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The DMD team says, “Customer reviews are essential to SEO, reputation management and consumer trust in your brand. But did you know that reviews can significantly increase clickthrough and conversion... [Read more]

11 Ways to Deliver Your Emails in Inbox (and Not Spam)

In rising competitive environment it is difficult to survive and lead in any marketing domain. If we consider email marketing, the toughest challenge that we face today is to land directly into the subscriber inboxes and not in spam. To help you stop your email from being marked as spam, the QuickSprout team has shared 11 useful tips. The QuickSprout... [Read more]

Improve Your Ecommerce Business with These Guides

The QuickSprout team has put together a set of 24 ecommerce guides to help you strengthen your online business. The QuickSprout team says, “Thanks to Ecommerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce and Wix, creating an online store has never been easier. Even with a full staff of developers and designers, we still use Shopify for... [Read more]

Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method [Video]

The Ahrefs team has published a new YouTube video titled ‘Simple SEO Strategy: The “Middleman” Method’. The video teaches an SEO strategy called ‘Middleman method’ that works to rank product pages, landing pages, AND blog posts. Joshua Hardwick has also posted a detailed article on ‘Middleman method’. Watch the video... [Read more]

How marketers are driving strong business growth through data-driven marketing transformation [Report]

The Google team has published a report on’How marketers are driving strong business growth through data-driven marketing transformation’. This report highlights how organizations are using data-driven marketing to grow their business. The Google Marketing Platform team says, “Every day there are hundreds of chances for brands... [Read more]

Ready, Set, Activate Your Digital Audience to Fall in Love with Your Brand [Podcast]

The Social Media Today team has published a new podcast episode titled ‘Ready, Set, Activate Your Digital Audience to Fall in Love with Your Brand’. This podcast shares some useful ways to activate your audience. The SMT team says, “In this 25 minute podcast you will learn: 10 ways you can activate your audience todayWhy... [Read more]

State of Marketing Automation [Report]

The Social Media Today team has published the ‘State of Marketing Automation’ report. This survey report features information on current state of marketing automation based on a survey of 300 marketers. The SMT team says, “With advances in AI and machine learning enabling systems to better perform certain processes than their... [Read more]

How to Write Better Captions that Get Engagement [Podcast]

The Buffer contributor Brian Peters has shared a new podcast episode titled ‘The Art of Copywriting: How to Write Better Captions that Get Engagement’. Talking about the podcast, Peters says, “What you’re trying to do, when you tell a story, is to write about an event in your life that made you feel some particular way. And what... [Read more]

Are You Using These Affiliate Programs?

Affiliate programs have proved to be a surefire way to make money online. By choosing the right affiliate marketing programs you can well. HubSpot contributor Clifford Chi has shared seven of the best affiliate programs with which you can make money online. Clifford says, “Out of all the ways you can make money creating content, affiliate... [Read more]

Strategies to Reach Out to Your Prospects for First Time

While approaching your prospect for the first time you need to sound authentic in your approach. And emailing is the best way to start communicating with your prospects. HubSpot contributor Aja Frost has shared 20 expert opinions on the strategies you should follow while reaching out to your prospects for the first time. Frost says, “For... [Read more]

How to Generate More Leads from You Landing Pages?

Your website’s landing page serves as the entry point for your visitors. With right strategies you can turn your landing page into a lead generation machine. HubSpot contributor Hartley Brody has shared eight landing page best practices to help your generate more leads by optimizing the landing pages of your websites. Broday says, “When... [Read more]

‘Using Video Content to Generate, Engage and Convert More Leads’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

In your drive to generate more leads, video could be a important element. Well planned video content can help you reach out to more people and achieve more conversions. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Using Video Content to Generate, Engage and Convert More Leads’ on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The... [Read more]

What’s the Impact of HTTPS on Conversion Rate?

The HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer which is used to securely transfer information between computers over the world wide web. People trust the sites that have HTTPS certification. The State of Digital contributor Michael Chidzey has shared an article highlighting some statistics on impace of HTTPS on your... [Read more]

Seven Ways to Make Your Prospects Respond

Acquiring new prospects and turning them into customers requires a combination of quality product and a strong marketing strategy. By understanding the human psychology you can improve your conversion rate. The HubSpot contributor Jeff Hoffman has shared seven ways to help you make the prospects respond. Hoffman says, “If a prospect... [Read more]

‘The Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever’ Webinar April 10 [Webinar]

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘The Do Nots of SEO: 7 Terrible, No-Good SEO Tactics to Abandon Forever’ on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. This webinar will be presented by Julia McCoy, CEO, Express Writers and Danny Goodwin, Executive Editor, Search Engine Journal. The SEJ team says, “Bad SEO... [Read more]

14 Tips to Create Mobile-Friendly Websites

If you want more visitors to visit your site you need to offer a pleasant experience to them which can keep them coming again and again. Today more than 50% of your website visitors use mobile devices to access the Internet. Keeping this in mind you need to make your websites mobile-friendly. The QuickSprout team has shard 14-tips to help you... [Read more]

‘Master Your Cross-Channel Paid Social Strategy’ Webinar April 18 [Webinar]

Hanapin is hosting a webinar on ‘Master Your Cross-Channel Paid Social Strategy’ on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The Hanapin says, “With so many paid social options to invest in, it can be hard to understand (and convince to your boss) how your strategy can work across many different channels. How do you customize your... [Read more]

2019 Marketer Happiness Report [Free Report]

The MarketingProfs team has published ‘2019 Marketer Happiness Report’. This report shares a study results on what some of the happiest and most successful marketers are doing to stay at the top in their domain. The MarketingProfs team says, “In the 2019 Marketer Happiness Report, we’re breaking from traditional... [Read more]

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