SEO Content Creation Process - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, February 5, 2020

February 5th, 2021 at 6:07 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, February 5, 2021

How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing’ as a part of his Email Marketing Unlocked series. He says, “In today’s lesson, I’m going to be breaking down email optimization, but why should you optimize your emails? Well, it’s all about lifetime value. The... [Read more]

Ahrefs Shares 3 Marketing Strategy Examples

Ahrefs contributor Marc Thomas has published a new article highlighting three marketing strategy examples uou can use to create your own. He says, “In this post, we’ll use these components to tear down the marketing strategies of three real companies in different industries so you can understand how this all works in practice. Method Perfect... [Read more]

How to Outsource SEO (Step-by-Step)

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘How to Outsource SEO (Step-by-Step)’ to help you find out the ways to outsource your SEO tasks. In today’s video, you’ll learn how to systematize and outsource SEO using a simple 3-step framework. Watch the video. Ahrefs  [Read more]

Updated & better than ever, VidSnatcher 2.0 is here #ad

Do you remember VidSnatcher? Bravinn Technologies along with Todd Gross launched it a little over a year ago. It’s the screen capture and green-screen based video editor that’s similar to Camtasia, but hosted in the cloud. It well accepted among online marketers last year because it is an outstanding screen capture program as well as a video... [Read more]

Google Ranking Factors: Which Ones are Most Important? [Video]

Ahrefs has published a new video ‘Google Ranking Factors: Which Ones are Most Important?’ to help you improve your Google search marketing. In this video, you’ll learn the most important Google ranking factors so you can stay focused on the things that matter most. Watch the video. Ahrefs  [Read more]

Investigating Traffic Upticks [Video]

MOZ has published a new Whiteboard Friday video ‘Investigating Traffic Upticks’ featuring Jo Cameron. The MOZ team says, “In this week’s episode of Whiteboard Friday, Jo Cameron — Moz’s Learning Team Manager — dives into the process of addressing and capitalizing on traffic spikes, including how to determine where traffic... [Read more]

Avoid These About Page Mistakes

Your website or blog’s About page is important as it helps your visitors to learn about you and your company. Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has published an article highlighting seven common mistakes that people make with the About page. She says, “Your About Page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site. So let’s make... [Read more]

Six-Figure Memo: Jeremy Kennedy’s six-figure framework #ad

Jeremy Kennedy doesn’t claim to be a marketing guru. He freely admits to being just a competent, successful marketer, not a superstar. Kennedy just released his new ebook, Six-Figure Memo, based on his 9 years of online experience. In his book, he explains what he calls “his six-figure framework”. And it is completely uncensored. He... [Read more]

Build Your Perfect Business: 6 Lessons from Brian Clark

Brian Clark is offering six free lessons as a part of ‘Next Level 7’ course that shows what is working right now for attracting an audience, discovering what they want to buy, and building your perfect business. With these free 6 lessons, you’ll discover: ✓The 3 bedrock fundamentals that you must get right ✓Why what worked online... [Read more]

The SEO Content Creation Process [Guide]

Allie Bhutani of Spotlight Conductor has published a comprehensive guide titled ‘The SEO Content Creation Process’. It provides a nine-step path to create content for better SEO. She says, “Changing the way your team approaches content creation can feel a bit daunting. But we’ve found when you bring together all key stakeholders... [Read more]

The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads [Guide]

IMPACT has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Google Ads: How to Create Revenue-Generating Google Ads‘. It is authored by Dan Baum, Paid Media Specialist, IMPACT and Jason Linde, Paid Media Specialist, IMPACT. This guide answers the following questions: What the heck are Google Ads? Is that different from PPC? Are Google Ads right for my... [Read more]

Start your own Marketing Agency with Email Videos Pro #ad

Earlier this week, Mario Brown released Email Videos Pro, a powerful new marketing tool for small- and medium-size businesses. It is a full-featured Video Email Marketing Suite (the first-ever launched on the JVZoo marketing platform.) It lets you play videos right inside emails, videos that can drive traffic, conversions, and sales for you and for your clients.... [Read more]

Alternative Social Media Platforms for You

When it comes to social networks, we think of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But by utilizing the newly launched and less popular social media platforms, we can grow our business to the newer people. Search Engine Journal contributor Brent Csutoras has shared an article highlighting seven alternative social media platforms. He says, “Here are... [Read more]

Five Steps to Build Your SEO Foundation

A well-designed website structure helps you to keep your site organized and webpages interlinked. A logical site structure helps visitors and search engines easily find and navigate content. Ahrefs contributor Michal Pecánek has a five-step guide to creating your SEO foundation for better search engine marketing. He says, “We all know how intertwined... [Read more]

What Are Negative Keywords and How to Use Them

Negative keywords are phrases, terms or entire queries you specify, which you don’t want your ads to show for. Vertical Leap’s Mihai Serban has published an article on negative keywords and how to use them. He says, “Google defines negative keywords as “a type of keyword that prevents your ad from being triggered by a certain word... [Read more]

5 Figure Day: commissions and leads on autopilot #ad

5Figure Day is new software that, according to the creators, brings in as many as 20,000 leads automatically. (Your results may be different.) And it also generated commissions on autopilot. Users earned income while building their lists... [Read more]

Four Ways to Get Social Media Content Ideas

Publishing fresh content at regular intervals is one of the most important things that we need to do for achieving success in social media marketing. Social Media Examiner’s Matt Johnson has shared four useful ways to get new social media content ideas. He says,”In this article, you’ll discover a repeatable system you can use to develop... [Read more]

Five Strategies to Grow Your Sales with Facebook Dynamic Ads

By advertising on Facebook, you can enhance your online reach, convert more customers and make more sales online. Social Media Examiner’s Adrian Tilley has shared five tips to drive more product sales with Facebook dynamic ads. He says, “Do you run Facebook dynamic ads to promote your products? Wondering how to improve your results? In this... [Read more]

Facebook Ads: How to Reduce Wasteful Spending [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Facebook Ads: How to Reduce Wasteful Spending’ featuring Andrea Vahl. The SME team says, “Concerned you’re wasting money on certain Facebook ads? Wondering which Facebook ads to turn off? Facebook marketing expert Andrea Vahl explains how to identify Facebook ads you should stop spending... [Read more]

Meetvio is back; bigger, better webinars and meetings #ad

Meetvio Evolution is the second generation of an all-in-one meeting, webinar, and autowebinar platform. You have probably seen and used a meeting platform (like Zoom), or a webinar platform (like GoToWebinar) or an autowebinar platform (like EverWebinar). Meetvio Evolution is a complete solution that allows you to run every kind of webinar under the sun... [Read more]

A Concise Guide to Title Tags for SEO [Guide]

Leverable founder Emory Rowland has published ‘A Concise Guide to Title Tags for SEO’. He says, “The title tag has its own special place in the hierarchy of HTML elements and acts like metadata—in layman’s terms, data providing information about other data (a web page). The element can’t be found on the page itself, but—like... [Read more]

Tips to Write A Converting Website Copy

Well-crafted content remains at the heart of your website. Persuasive content helps you to convert more customers. IMPACT contributor Jen Barrell has shared a comprehensive article on writing a converting website copy. She says, “Writing website copy is just as rewarding as it is daunting, but it can be a relatively smooth experience if you remember... [Read more]

Content Ain’t Easy: 5 Ways to Empower, Secure & Unite Your Team, February 3 [Webinar]

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Content Ain’t Easy: 5 Ways to Empower, Secure & Unite Your Team’ on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, at 2.00 pm ET. Attend this webinar to explore new ways to grow your content marketing. The CMI team says, “Content marketing ain’t easy. It’s never been easy. You know what we... [Read more]

Global Social Advertising Trends in 2021 [Report]

ClickZ has published a new report entitled ‘Global Social Advertising Trends in 2021’ to help you discover new social advertising trends for the year 2021. The ClickZ team says, “ has discovered that 66% of companies have an annual marketing budget of USD $20 million or more. Within this, 74% are allocating one third or more... [Read more]

ClickZ on Creating 360-Degree Customer View in 2021

Finding and growing customers needs a more modern approach. By integrating the latest technology and tools available, you can achieve business success. ClickZ contributor Catlyn Origitano has shared three steps to create a 360-degree customer view in 2021. She says, “The data you relied on last year — or even last quarter — to make business... [Read more]

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