Nine Ways to Optimize Your Content - IM NewsWatch, October 11, 2022

October 11th, 2022 at 6:45 am EDT


IM NewsWatch


Three Ways to Target Competitor Audiences on Facebook

Finding the right audience is the key to making the most of your Facebook marketing efforts. Moving further, you can achieve better results by targeting your competitor’s audience. Social Media Examiner contributor Anna Sonnenberg has published an article featuring three ways to target competitor audiences on Facebook. She says, “Who are... [Read more]

13 Minutes of B2B Marketing Strategies [Video]

HubSpot has published a new video ’13 Minutes of B2B Marketing Strategies’ from Inbound conference featuring Gary Vaynerchuk. In this video, GaryVee addresses how he would approach B2B Marketing at INBOUND 2016. He built his Wine business from Google Ads, and wished he went all in for greater growth. His B2B clients are doing better than... [Read more]

Free Resources to Learn Instagram Marketing [Video]

Constant exploration and learning is the key to improving your marketing processes. Watch Neil Patel’s latest video ‘Free Resources to Learn Instagram Marketing’ to help yourself improve your Instagram marketing. He says, “Free resources to learn Instagram marketing. According to stats, there are over 1 billion users on Instagram.... [Read more]

Yo Seller: sell your own or white-labeled/reseller/PLR products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and his team have launched Yo Seller. It’s an online selling and marketing app that has just gone live on a 3 hours only Earlybird Deal until 2:00 PM NY time. Yo Seller lets you launch, sell & market products, courses and services online. It has been designed to be hassle-free and let you start an agency business from scratch. You... [Read more]

Three Ways to Unclog Your Sales and Marketing Funnel, October 27 [Webinar]

If potential buyers are entering your sales and marketing funnel but not making it all the way through. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar ‘Three Ways to Unclog Your Sales and Marketing Funnel’ on Thursday, October 27, 2022, at 3.30 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “Join Act-On for Three Ways Unclog Your Sales and Marketing Funnel and... [Read more]

Guide to optimizing your WordPress site for SEO

Your visitors expect significantly faster loading times, and your WordPress site needs to live up to those expectations. Search Engine Land has published a comprehensive article featuring 8 steps to optimize your WordPress site for SEO. The SEL team says, “One of the most prevalent concerns with a part of the WordPress community is the Content... [Read more]

Nine Ways to Optimize Content

Content optimization helps search engines and your target audience easily understand your written text. Search Engine Watch contributor Robert Phillips has published an article featuring nine useful ways to optimize your site content. He says, “Let’s find out how you can benefit from all this, and more, by effectively optimizing your content. Think... [Read more]

IM Checklist Vol 58 Customer Service & Retention (PLR) #ad

For several years, Kevin Fahey has been producing IM Checklists. His latest is IM Checklist Vol 58 Customer Service & Retention.... [Read more]

The Essential Guide to Backlink Building for SEO [Guide]

Search Engine Watch has published ‘The Essential Guide to Backlink Building for SEO’ to help marketers improve their SEO performance using backlinks. The SEW team says, “Not all backlinks are good backlinks. But how do you tell the good from the bad? If you’ve fine-tuned your site content but still aren’t getting the results you... [Read more]

Beginner to Advanced SEO Blueprint

Search engine optimization is key to your website growth. It helps you attract more and more visitors who could be converted into clients. Search Engine Journal founder Loren Baker has published ‘Learn SEO: A Blueprint From Beginner To Advanced’ guide to help marketers improve SEO performance. He says, “This article will give you a... [Read more]

Content Marketing Trends for 2023 [Webinar Replay]

Content Marketing Institute has made available the ‘Content Marketing Trends for 2023’ webinar on demand. The CMI team says, “You’ll learn the latest in content marketing trends – what’s in, what’s next, what’s working – and how to leverage these new approaches to level up your strategy. Not only will you be inspired, but... [Read more]

FrugalRecipe: Personal Label Rights for Frugal Recipes #ad

This is a library of 100 delicious yet cheap frugal recipes that everyone loves. Each frugal recipe comes with a design card and full PLR rights. With high inflation, these recipes concentrate on the cheapest ingredients that are still tasty, helping families save money.... [Read more]

Reminder- 6 Keys Your Business Needs to Win with Your Marketing Agency, October 12 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Search Engine Journal’s webinar scheduled on October 12. Building trust with an agency and establishing a strong marketing foundation is a sure-fire way to take your business to the next level. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘6 Keys Your Business Needs to Win with Your Marketing Agency’ on Wednesday,... [Read more]

Reminder- How to S.C.A.L.E. Your Account-Based Marketing Results, October 12 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for Content Marketing Institute’s webinar scheduled on October 12. S.C.A.L.E. framework, developed by award-winning ABM agency Hunter & Bard, helps scale-ups and enterprises use ABM successfully for their large enterprise sales. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘How to S.C.A.L.E. Your Account-Based... [Read more]

A Data-First Approach to Awareness and Loyalty, November 8 [Webinar]

Branded experiences drive awareness and loyalty, but achieving measurable success in experiential marketing requires strategies that prioritize collecting first-party data. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘How Just Egg Cracked the Experiential Marketing Code: A Data-First Approach to Awareness and Loyalty’ on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at 1.00... [Read more]

GiveSites Pro: All-in-one advanced giveaway site creator for low 1-time price #ad

GiveSites Pro is a brand new creator for a 1-click self-updating giveaway site. It comes with giant 90,000+ premium gifts that you can give away. It lets you build a giveaway site without any coding or designing skills.... [Read more]

Master Your Demand Generation Nurture, October 26 [Webinar]

Demand generation is a marketing strategy focused on building reliable brand awareness and interest, resulting in high-quality leads. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar ‘Master Your Demand Generation Nurture’ on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at 12.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “In this free webinar with demand gen expert... [Read more]

The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business

Google Business allows business owners to reach customers via Google Search and Google Maps. Semrush has published ‘The Ultimate Guide to Google My Business’ covering important information about Google My Business. Kelly Lyons says, “Maintaining a Business Profile helps you increase your visibility on Google, gain credibility with... [Read more]

Ahrefs’ 14-Step SEO Audit & Checklist

Comprehensive SEO can help you find opportunities to improve a site’s search performance. Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has shared a 14-step SEO audit & checklist. He says, “Everyone’s SEO audit process differs, as there’s no universal approach. But there are a handful of basic issues all site owners should look for. You’ll learn... [Read more]

Instant List Builder builds list tools in minutes (reseller license included) #ad

Building your list is one of the best things that you can do for your business. Instant List Builder can take the hard work out of the process. Normally, list building takes a lot of time. Now, it gets a lot easier.... [Read more]

How to Use TikTok to Grow Your Influence [Video]

With its constantly rising user base, TikTok remains one of the favorite social media platforms for businesses and marketers. Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘How to Use TikTok to Grow Your Influence’ featuring Keenya Kelly. The SME team says, “Want to become the go-to expert in your industry? Wondering what types... [Read more]

7 Ways for Your Co-workers to Help You With Marketing [Video]

Watch Neil Patel’s latest video in which he shares ‘7 Ways for Your Co-workers to Help You With Marketing’. He says, “Seven ways for your coworkers to help you with your marketing. Do you have coworkers? If so, great, because I’m going to teach you how to leverage them for more traffic. And if you don’t have coworkers,... [Read more]

Let’s talk image SEO [Podcast]

Google Search Central has published a new episode of the ‘Search Off the Record’ podcast titled ‘Let’s talk image SEO’. The Google team says, “Do you want to know how to increase traffic to your website with images? What about making your website more accessible for screen readers with alt text for an image? Our hosts... [Read more]

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