IM NewsWatch, October 8, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘5 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators – HubSpot' and much more...

October 8th, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

‘5 Steps To Getting Anything You Want’ Jim Edwards’ Webinar October 9

Jim Edwards is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 9 at 1.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “5 Steps To Getting Anything You Want”. Jim says, “Here’s just a sample of what we’ll answer for you / cover on this incredible webinar: The #1 thing everyone must do to get what you want (and how to do it correctly)… The process that... [Read more]

‘Fresh Marketing Techniques To Bring Your Business MORE Revenue With Less Efforts’ Chris Freville’s Webinar October 9

Chris Freville is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 9 at 2.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Fresh Marketing Techniques To Bring Your Business MORE Revenue With Less Efforts”. Chris says, “You’re Going To Learn… How to SMASH through your business revenue glass ceilings The solution to the 3 mistakes I GUARANTEE are... [Read more]

‘Online Commerce from A to Z’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Online Commerce from A to Z”. Allison Howen says, “Website Magazine editors hit the aisles at in our hometown of Chicago last week, and as most of our readers would expect, the buzzwords surrounding the annual summit were similar to what we’ve been hearing all year: omnichannel... [Read more]

Graphics Mystic Toolkit: Over 500 marketing graphics to polish your site #ad

About six months ago, Lucas Adamski released the first version of Graphics Mystic Toolkit. It was a popular product, full of all kinds of graphics marketers need. Now he has released version 2, and it’s even bigger and better than the first version. Graphics Mystic Toolkit V2 includes over 500 “copy-and-paste” marketing graphics. It... [Read more]

’5 SEO Fails: What You Risk by Managing SEO Internally’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 SEO Fails: What You Risk by Managing SEO Internally”. Michelle Brown says, “We hear it all the time. “No thanks, we’re handling SEO internally.” And then a few months later we check back on the site’s search engine rankings and we simply sigh. If only businesses understood... [Read more]

’7 Google for Nonprofits Tools That Will Change Your Cause Marketing Forever’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”7 Google for Nonprofits Tools That Will Change Your Cause Marketing Forever”. Taylor Corrado says, “Google for Nonprofits, a membership program for nonprofits based in the U.S. and U.K. (withcountry-specific programs), is looking to amplify its online engagement. Though it has eligibility... [Read more]

‘Which eBook Publishing Platform is Best?' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “Which eBook Publishing Platform is Best??. Kristen Eckstein says, “Before we get too deep into answering this question, know upfront this is like askinga mother of threewhich child is her favorite. Each platform comes with unique benefits and drawbacks. Digital publishing is a... [Read more]

“Responsive Theme Machine” builds unique WP themes #ad

Mark Sandquist has been building mobile software for years. Now, he just announced his Responsive Theme Machine software that will let you build your own custom WordPress themes, as many as you want, and these themes are responsive to mobile device screen size. These themes automatically conform to the screen size of the visitor’s device, whether... [Read more]

‘6 Easy Tips to Write a Blog Post in 30 Minutes’ by Patsi Krackoff

Patsi Krackoff’s latest blog post is titled “6 Easy Tips to Write a Blog Post in 30 Minutes”. Krackoff says, “Can you write a blog postand publish in under an hour? How about 20 minutes? That’s my record. But as anyone who’s ever made love knows, fast isn’t always better. And sometimes it is. There’s usually too much for small business... [Read more]

‘How to Do Responsive Web Design Right’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “How to Do Responsive Web Design Right”. Verónica Maria Jarski says, “”People have little tolerance for Websites that don’t accommodate their mobile devices: For example, 74% of mobile visitors will abandon a site if it takes more than five seconds to download, according to the... [Read more]

‘Google, Facebook Back Effort to Make Internet Affordable for All’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Google, Facebook Back Effort to Make Internet Affordable for All”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Several of the biggest names in tech have signed on to a new initiative to bring down Internet costs in the developing world.Google has partnered with the U.S. Agency for International Development and the... [Read more]

Video Marketer: make your videos really work for you #ad

Ross Goldberg has been creating sales videos for years and ranking them highly. He has found that it’s a mistake to rely on YouTube to see you through to success. Like their parent, they can sometimes be capricious in what they rank highly. Goldberg places the videos he makes on many sites, not just on YouTube. It’s safer that way. And it... [Read more]

‘Why the effective use of data is central to multichannel marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Why the effective use of data is central to multichannel marketing”. David Moth says, “The Festival of Marketing is but a day away and the Econsultancy office is a hot bed of activity as our events team rushes around making sure to tie up all loose ends before everything... [Read more]

‘Want Affiliate Summit West 2014 Tickets to Give Away?’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Want Affiliate Summit West 2014 Tickets to Give Away?”. Collins Says, “We receive a large volume of requests for Affiliate Summit West 2014 passes to give away in contests and promotions, and a limited number are set aside for this. So we’ve created a form for anybody that would like to request... [Read more]

‘Can Marketing Automation Work for Your Company?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Can Marketing Automation Work for Your Company?”. Justin Gray says, “I’m often asked whether marketing automation technology is mature enough for one business environment or another. I hear a lot of excuses about why it won’t work. My company is too small. My product is too transactional.... [Read more]

Social Lead Ninja: for Facebook members interested in your products #ad

There are Facebook member who want your products. You just have to find them. You do that by scouring Facebook to find the groups that relate to your niche. Then place Facebook ads and aim them at these members, people you know are interested in your topic. They form a ready market for your products. If you have the time (depending on your niche, it... [Read more]

’6 Horrific Practices of Direct Mail (and What Great Email Marketers Do Instead)’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”6 Horrific Practices of Direct Mail (and What Great Email Marketers Do Instead)”. Jau Acunzo says, “Let’s rip the Band-Aid off right away: Direct mail’s a pain in the butt. Outside of a brand sponsoring a blimp and driving it straight through your kitchen window, there are few... [Read more]

Final Reminder- ‘Breaking Down the Silos to Supercharge Your Organic Marketing‘ – Third Door Media Webinar 1.00 pm EDT

This is our last chance to tell you about Third Door Media’s webinar on Tuesday, October 8 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Breaking Down the Silos to Supercharge Your Organic Marketing”. The TDM team says, “If you want to capture an unfair slice of the Organic Media landscape you’re going to need to get your marketing... [Read more]

‘The Growing Divide Between Paid Search & Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “The Growing Divide Between Paid Search & Marketing”. Vic Drabicky says, “Like most people, I hate being wrong. Let me correct myself: I hate being wrong. There is nothing worse than that sinking feeling when you realize whatever it was you were defending so vehemently... [Read more]

Amazon can be your fulfillment house #ad is a selling machine like the world has never seen before. There are over 30,000 product categories and millions of products being sold on Amazon right now. In fact, Amazon did $61 Billion in revenue in 2012. But what most people don’t know is that 41% of Amazon’s revenue was driven by products that are sold by other people using... [Read more]

‘Create An HTML5 Site: No Coding Skills Necessary’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Create An HTML5 Site: No Coding Skills Necessary”. Nicole Nguyen says, “Coding is an extremely useful skill, but it takes a lot of time and practice to master. Luckily, Google launched a free tool called Google Web Designer for the visually inclined, nontechnical set that performs all of... [Read more]

‘Mobile Strategy for Small Businesses’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Mobile Strategy for Small Businesses”. Bridget Randolph says, “For a small business on a tight budget, a mobile strategy may seem like a costly extra. This post covers why SMEs should care about mobile, and what they can do about it (even on a small-business budget). This is a tactics- and resource-heavy post,... [Read more]

‘5 1/2 Reasons You Should Kill a Draft Blog Post’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “5 1/2 Reasons You Should Kill a Draft Blog Post”. Demian Farnworth says, ““Forget the schedule. This post sucks.” That’s the refrain I repeat to myself at least once a week. Whether it’s working on a piece for Copyblogger, my own blog, or our Google+ account … something’s... [Read more]

Be a Guest Poster to gain high PR Backlinks in minutes #ad

Radu Hahaianu, known on the Warrior Forum as Techbul, has found a way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. The key is who links to your site. Are the links from authoritative sites? That counts for a lot. Techbul wants to show you haw you can use guest posting on other blogs (that are chosen wisely) can build your own site’s ranking.... [Read more]

‘Online Testing: How a pop-up chat test increased conversion 120%’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Online Testing: How a pop-up chat test increased conversion 120%”. Jesse Gomes says, “In a world where content is king, sifting through Internet clutter postured as content is generally accepted as a daily task for many of us. The perpetual endeavor of distinguishing actual valuable content... [Read more]

‘78% of Twitter’s Users Are Outside the U.S.’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “78% of Twitter’s Users Are Outside the U.S.”. Zoe Fox says, “Twitter‘s international user growth is far outpacing its domestic rate.Since 2010, Twitter’s international user base has grown 745% — from 20 million to 169 million users. Its user base in the United States has... [Read more]

‘Mobile adspend up 127% to £429m in first half of 2013′ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Mobile adspend up 127% to £429m in first half of 2013″. David Moth says, “Mobile adspend in the UK grew to £429.2m in the first half of 2013, an increase of 127% compared to the same period last year. The data comes from a new report by the IAB, which also found that mobile... [Read more]

‘Six Tips for Fitting Social Media Into a Packed Schedule’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Six Tips for Fitting Social Media Into a Packed Schedule”. Karen Albritton says, “”How does anyone have time for this? Do these people do any real work, or do they just hang out on Twitter all day?” That is the question I got from a client scrolling through a Twitter feed. His... [Read more]

’12 Googletastic Reasons Why Google+ Communities Are the Bomb’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “12 Googletastic Reasons Why Google+ Communities Are the Bomb”. Paul Biedermann says, “If you want to really start enjoying the benefits of belonging to an online community, Google+ is the place to be! Once Google+ started their communities feature a few months back, I jumped... [Read more]

‘The 5 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The 5 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators”. Maggie Hibma says, “Peanut butter and jelly. Batman and Robin. Eggs and ham. You’ve probably heard of these famous pairs (or, in some cases, noshed on them), but for inbound marketers, there’s one pair in particular that goes hand-in-hand:content... [Read more]

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