IM NewsWatch, November 20, 2015 - 'Email Subject Lines that Make People Stop, Click, and Read – Copyblogger' and much more...

November 20th, 2015 at 9:08 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, November 20, 2015

‘On The Hunt For Black Friday Shoppers? Pinterest Says It’s Got Them’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “So where are all the Black Friday shoppers hanging out online? Over here, Pinterest says, releasing new stats today to support its claim that Pinterest is best place to reach people in a holiday buying mood. Pinterest users shop more on Black Friday than the average online user, according to a study done for Pinterest by marketing... [Read more]

‘Facebook Advertising Is Where It’s at, Which Is Why I Spent $3 Million on It’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kyle Taylor says, “The advertising side of Facebook tends to get a bad rap. Small business owners often complain that the user interface constantly changes, or that it’s increasingly difficult and expensive to reach fans. But when you get down to it, Facebook ads do work — only if you follow certain best practices for reaching your... [Read more]

‘How to Crack the New Twitter Ad Campaign Algorithm for Maximum Impact’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Larry Kim says, “If you’ve ever read any of my articles on PPC marketing using AdWords, you’ll know that I’m slightly obsessed and a huge fan of their Quality Score algorithm — which, in a nutshell, rewards advertisers who create very engaging ads with much lower costs per click and more prominent ad placement. This makes a ton of sense... [Read more]

“CPA $10,000 Per Day”, new CPA training #ad

We have seen several other CPA training from Tian Tian Xiang Shang. Because his name is hard for western ears to grasp, he calls himself Mr Right in the forums. Mr. Right experiments with different methods of generating traffic for CPA offers. When he finds one that works for him, he writes it up and adds it to his signature training, CPA $10,000... [Read more]

‘3 Musts to Get Your Ecommerce Site Mobile Friendly by the Holidays’ – HubSpot

Emma Greenman says, “According to NRF, 25 million holiday shoppers said they would specifically use their mobile device to shop online on Cyber Monday this year. That is a big chunk of the expected $116 billion ecommerce will bring in this holiday season! Part of serving customers (that want to give you their money) is providing a happy, helpful... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your Sign Up Form on Your Landing Page’ – Aweber Blog

Jason Moore says, “There’s a lot to be said on the subject of landing pages. And if you were at this year’sASCEND Digital Marketing Summit, you heard Unbounce co-founder Oli Gardner’s epic talk on landing page optimization. (Missed out? Order the video package.) Part of Oli’s talk focused on how to optimize your page to urge visitors... [Read more]

‘Email marketing: finding the perfect blend of content & product’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “There’s a mantra that all email marketers should chant. In shortened form (my favourite), it’s simply ‘Who cares?’. The longer form is ‘What does this email do for my customer?’ You see, metrics such as click-to-open rate can mislead marketers – it’s not simply a game of shepherding... [Read more]

Blab for Beginners (without PLR) #ad

There’s a new social media platform called Blab. Yesterday we told you about Blab For Beginners with PLR . Barry Rodgers is offering a few people the chance to get this complete training, along with a website to sell it and deliver it, and along with the right to change its look and feel and put your name on it as an author. This guide trains... [Read more]

‘How to Write Email Subject Lines that Make People Stop, Click, and Read’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Beth Hayden says, “Email subject lines are our first (and sometimes only) chance to make a good impression on our subscribers, so making them interesting and compelling is essential to your email marketing success. If you miss your chance to capture and hold their attention, your subscribers are less likely to open your emails, read your content,... [Read more]

‘When Data Just Isn’t Enough: The Hidden Context that’s Key to Content Loyalty’ – MOZ Blog

Ronell Smith says, “When the client asked to “go mute” during our monthly client call, there was no reason to sound the alarm. After all, being able to talk through what they’ve heard as a team, in private, was normal. But when the always-skeptical global marketing director said the COO (who has been in the room for the 10 minutes... [Read more]

‘These Keyword Opportunities Are Sitting Right Under Your Nose’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Stephan Spencer says, “You’ve done your basic keyword research and strategized a plan to tackle the keywords for which you want to rank. You are working that plan to increase your rankings, traffic, and of course, conversions. You’re good on your keyword plan, right? Not so fast! Are you sure there are no opportunities you are missing out... [Read more]

Ecover Maniac: covers for your fiction and non-fiction books #ad

Lukas Adamski, a professional graphics designer, has released 'Ecover Maniac', a package of 30 professional cover designs for your fiction e-books (for example, Kindle books) and 30 more for your non-fiction books... [Read more]

‘5 Tools For The Most Productive Social Media Analytics Monitoring Ever’ – ‘’ Blog

Ann Smarty says, “One of the things a lot of marketers and startup founders say is there are two levels of analytics: not enough monitoring, or too much monitoring. This is usually said in relation to the energy and time spent, which is either not enough to make the progress they need, or so much that they can’t get anything else done. I... [Read more]

‘Luxury consumer trends and mobile strategies’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

John Fetto says, “I recently had the pleasure of presenting with digital marketing agency PM Digital, about luxury consumer trends and digital strategies. During our research, we found the luxury market online saw a 20 percent increase in monthly visits last year with a majority of traffic now coming from mobile devices. Luxury brands have become... [Read more]

‘Copywriting: 5 proven discoveries that strengthen copy’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “Great copy isn’t about writing beautiful prose; it’s about knowing what to say to your prospects, when to say it and how to say it so they immediately become engaged, stay engaged and ultimately buy whatever it is you’re selling. Pretty words and design don’t matter as much as understanding what your prospects are... [Read more]

Get better results from YouTube #ad

Number of views on YouTube is like traffic to a website. It's the starting point for building anything of value. 'Crush YouTube' is a new video training course about how to get more views... [Read more]

’29 Free Online Design Tools for Creating Stunning Visual Content for the Web’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Who doesn’t love free stuff? If I can find a free tool to do something I’d otherwise have to pay for in my marketing, I’m going to try the free one first. As long as I can achieve the same quality result from the free tool, there’s no need to waste budget. And in my quest to find alternatives to fancy computer... [Read more]

’30 Mobile Commerce Tips to Improve Sales Today’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Annie Pilon says, “Mobile commerce is no longer an optional strategy for businesses that sell products online. Customers use mobile devices for pretty much everything today, including shopping. So you need to learn how to sell to customers on mobile devices. Here’s a list of mobile commerce tips for a strategy that will help you increase sales. Mobile... [Read more]

‘How Important Are Reviews for SEO?’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jayson Demers says, “Your company’s reputation plays a large role in local organic search rankings. For example, if your company is listed in every major local business directory and you’re mentioned on local news sources regularly, and if great user reviews of your business dot the web, you’ll likely rank higher than if just the reverse... [Read more]

Do you have "the easiest video sales letter software ever"? #ad

That's what Mark Thompson and Matt Callen call their brand new 'EasyVSL 2.0'. And they may be right.  With this new software, you get a lot of flexibility in creating your sales letters... [Read more]

‘Engaging Subscribers with Contextual Emails’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “There’s no denying it: content marketing is having a huge moment right now. Business owners and bloggers across all industries are creating as much content as they can in order to educate their audience to build trust and brand loyalty. But we’re moving beyond the strategy of simply creating content that’s relevant... [Read more]

‘Native Advertising: Understanding the Basics’ – HubSpot

Christian Mongillo says, “You’ve heard it a million times, native advertising is the next big thing. But what exactly is native advertising, and why is it causing such a stir for brands, agencies, and publishers alike? For publishers in particular, native is a chance to put editorial expertise to work for advertisers and brands. This provides... [Read more]

‘Three steps to improve digital customer experience (CX) [APAC Case Studies]’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jeff Rajeck says, “Previously, we discussed what Customer Experience (CX) means at a high level and concluded that modelling the customer journey into distinct phases is key. But how does improving CX work in practice? What practical steps can marketers take to improve their brands’ CX? The digital view Well, there are many excellent resources... [Read more]

How to Sell More Products online with the same work #ad

Today, Revolution Labs, a partnership of Pat Flanagan and Emilis Strimatis, is releasing the revised and enhanced version of the successful FunnelKit, their new 'FunnelKit Go'... [Read more]

‘Create Snackable Content for Your Mobile Customers’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Snackable content is perfect for on-the-go consumption. Check out these ideas for creating bite-size content for mobile users. Consider regramming, retweeting, and reposting your customers’ content, suggests Marketo in the following infographic created by Column Five. Doing so saves time and builds customer... [Read more]

‘How To Prep For The Pending Penguin Update & Ensure You’re Penalty Free In 2016’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Erin Everhart says, “Gary Illyes, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, confirmed on Twitter that we’ll be graced with the next Penguin update before the end of 2015. This means that all of those webmasters who were hit by the last Penguin update (in December 2014, mind you) now have the chance of recovery, since historically, this update hasn’t... [Read more]

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