IM NewsWatch, November 12, 2015 - 'Five Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business' and much more...

November 12th, 2015 at 9:15 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Five Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business

As a result of the evolution of the Internet, Social Media is now at the heart of the most effective online marketing strategies. These highly interactive sites where visitors can create input are hotbeds of influence and communication among their users. Because of the potential for both help and harm to your business, you can no longer afford to ignore... [Read more]

Fitting a 40-Hour Workweek into 16.7 Hours

In the latest issue of Fast Company Magazine.Chris Winfield has an article on effective work habits. By some of our poor habits, we stretch our work into more time than is actually needed. The result is time wasted that could be used for other things, in our others pursuits of life. Winfield set a goal for himself to reform his life from a workaholic... [Read more]

‘Alibaba’s Singles’ Day sales of $14 billion overtake China’s average daily retail sales’ – Internet Retailer

Frank Tong says, “Chinese consumers show their huge purchasing power in online shopping during the annual Singles’ Day event. A 24-hour shopping extravaganza has ended in China, and online consumers spent 91.217 billion yuan ($14.32 billion) on online marketplaces operated by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. That’s up 54% up from $9.30 billion... [Read more]

Black Box Selling Machine: Copy this online marketing strategy #ad

If you want to be successful in any business, it takes planning and it takes work. Luck isn’t much of a business plan. And mid-course corrections as you go along will also be needed. You won’t get everything right the first time around. You can always improve, and you need to. When you see what is working, do more of it. When you see what... [Read more]

‘Holiday E-Commerce: Black Friday Now As Important As Cyber Monday, Thanks To Mobile [Study]’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Black Friday has begun looking more like “Cyber” Friday for many online retailers, according to new analysis from Criteo. As mobile research and purchasing increased, retailers saw online sales on Black Friday nearly equal those of Cyber Monday last year. “The path to purchase for today’s consumer has evolved and,... [Read more]

‘How Variance Testing Increased Conversion 45% for Extra Space Storage’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kyla Cobb says, “When it comes to testing, A/B testing typically steals the spotlight, casting its sister procedure, variance testing, in the shadows. However, according to Emily Emmer, Senior Interactive Marketing Manager, Extra Space Storage, that’s a mistake. At MarketingSherpa MarketingExperiments Web Optimization Summit 2014, Emily presented... [Read more]

‘Getting Your Emails Ready for the Holidays’ – Aweber Blog

Tom Tate says, “It’s that time of year again. And for lots of small businesses, that means making sure your emails stand out in a crowded inbox. Whether you’re running a special promotion, or just want to send a little holiday cheer, don’t miss this lucrative opportunity to connect with your subscribers. Here’s our checklist to make sure... [Read more]

11 Business Models to Change the Way You Run Your Business #ad

Well-known and respected marketing trainer Yanik Silver just released his new book Evolved Enterprise – How To Re-Think, Re-imagine, & Re-invent Your Business To Deliver Meaningful Impact & Even Greater Profits. Silver is giving away a batch of paperback copies (at cost; he give you a breakdown of the costs on his offer page) as part... [Read more]

‘Five external factors that can impact your email campaigns’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “The Festival of Marketing has finally arrived! I’ve already attended three fantastic talks, one of which came from the almighty Alan ‘not-so-marketer-friendly-but-still-full-of-sound-advice’ Sugar. But one of the most interesting talks I’ve seen so far was on the Data and Analytics stage, where Return Path’s senior... [Read more]

‘How to Put Your Email Marketing Funnel on Steroids, with Pat Flynn’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income joins host Chris Ducker on Youpreneur.FM again to talk about the biggest shift he’s made so far in 2015, the most important part of any sales process, and how to amp up your email marketing. As business owners, we know we must make changes in our businesses — but when, why, and how do... [Read more]

‘Announcing Search Insights from Moz Local!’ – MOZ Blog

David Mihm says, “When we launched Moz Local, I said at the time that one of the primary goals of our product team was to “help business owners and marketers trying to keep up with the frenetic pace of change in local search.” Today we take a major step forward towards that goal with the beta release of Moz Local Search Insights, the foundation... [Read more]

eCom Premier Academy: Affordable training for eCommerce success #ad

eCommerce is a tried and proven way to earn a living online. Build an online store where you sell what people want to buy, then promote your store properly to bring in traffic. Sounds simple, and seen from 5,000 meters (15, 000 feet), it is simple. It’s only when you get down to the ground level and actually start doing it that you notice the... [Read more]

9 Habits Of Profoundly Influential People

In a popular new article on, Travis Bradberry, co-author of the bestselling book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and co-founder of TalentSmart, examines 9 Habits Of Profoundly Influential People Bradberry notes that “Influential people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much... [Read more]

Google releases enhancements to Google Hangouts

Google just announced that Google Hangouts on the Web is getting several new touches, in hope of sprucing up its image and increasing its market share. They don’t give many details about what they are doing, but they do say this: Key changes include: • Calls that start faster and stay crisper, with higher quality video • A more streamlined... [Read more]

All Windows users should patch these two new ‘critical’ flaws

The evolution of Microsoft Windows in the security realm is a slow affair. It proceeds in small incremental improvements, with occasional setbacks. There are two new improvements just made available this week. This week, Microsoft has released two patches they descibe as critical. They apply to all the versions of Windows Microsoft still supports,... [Read more]

Add a squeeze page to WP sites with Simple WP Squeeze Page Plugin #ad

Heri Rosyadi has just released his latest product, his Simple WP Squeeze Page Plugin. There have been other plugins to build squeeze pages, but the new one from Rosyadi has some distinctive features: 1. It finds the visitor’s email address whenever it can and pre-populates the email field so the person doesn’t have to enter it; all they.. [Read more]

Customers Are In Control

Shep Hyken, New York Times bestselling author, in a guest article on, warns all marketers that attention to customer needs is critical to long-term success. As Hyken says, Customers are smarter than ever before. As a result, their expectations of the experience you deliver is higher than ever. Customers know what good service... [Read more]

Americans Aren’t Doing Enough to Protect Their Privacy Online

In a cautionary article on Bill Hardekopf reports that Americans are over-confident about how secure their passwords are. He refers to a study by Avast that finds “Nearly every American consumer (98%) believes they are creating safe passwords, but a recent study shows that only 6% are actually doing so.” It is a fair assumption... [Read more]

‘Four ways social data can be an extremely powerful ally’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, ““Change is around us.” These were the opening words of Joel Windels, Brandwatch’s VP of inbound marketing, when I attended his talk about social data at the Festival of Marketing today. He was specifically there to discuss the role that social data is increasingly playing indigital transformation, and what the opportunities... [Read more]

Commission Gorilla build bonus pages in minutes; we use it #ad

Level the playing field with the super affiliates in your niche. 'Commission Gorilla' makes it easy! It creates bonus pages for you.  That can make a big difference in your affiliate sales. In fact some affiliate marketers report that having a good bonus can result in up to 5x more commissions. This new app makes it easier than ever... [Read more]

‘Here Are A Dozen Bargain Marketing Platforms for SMBs’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Barry Levine says, “If you’re a small- or medium-sized business (SMB), money and time are often rationed like water during a drought. But you still need ways to find and maintain customers. The good news: some marketing platforms that target this market offer freemium levels without a time limit and/or inexpensive plans. Here is a sampling... [Read more]

‘How the Perfect Name Changes Everything’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “Take a look at the image we chose for this post. Ten years ago, any woman reading this would have looked at the woman’s hair and thought, “Oh, her roots are growing out.” If a woman lightens her hair and then doesn’t repeat the procedure, her natural hair color starts growing in, and you see the effect above — the... [Read more]

‘Nearly half of all websites have had a security breach’ – Internet Retailer

Matt Lindner says, “While more retailer, financial service and public sector IT professionals want info on threats, many lack faith in the accuracy of that data. Online data breaches are on the rise, and experts say the best way to prevent infractions is for information technology professionals to share information about those breaches with each... [Read more]

‘Behavioural marketing: How is it going in Australia?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jaff Rajeck says, “Econsultancy held the Behavioural Marketing Roundtable in Sydney on Wednesday, November 11 and dozens of client-side marketers came to discuss the trends, best practices, and issues they are facing. Here’s a summary of what was said. But before we start let me quickly tell you that Econsultancy will be holding another... [Read more]

Scam for domain names

A couple of weeks ago, we received the following email: On 2015-10-16 08:23, xxx yyyy [we have hidden the name] wrote: (Since it is significant, forward the following E-mail to your CEO or relevant responsible person. Thanks) Dear CEO/Principal, We are the department of Asian Domain Registration Service in China. Here I have something to confirm with... [Read more]

‘You Will Never Be This Honest In Your Marketing' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jay Baer says, “Trust is the foundation upon which ALL business success is built. Without trust, nothing else matters. Price doesn’t matter. Customer service doesn’t matter. Marketing sure as hell doesn’t matter. Trying to succeed in business without trust is like trying to drink coffee without a cup. One of the very best ways to gain and... [Read more]

‘The Quiet SEO Influencer: How to Use Visual Content to Build Brand Signals’ – Content Marketing Institute

Neil Patel says, “As you obsess over link profiles and link-building to boost SEO, another form of search marketing has been quietly rising in importance. It’s not complicated. It’s not technical. And technically, it’s not even about search optimization. It’s about brand signals. Brand signals are becoming one of the foremost ways that... [Read more]

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