IM NewsWatch, June 5, 2014 - ‘Google Panda 4.0: How Will It Affect Your Site’s SEO? – Business 2 Community' and much more...

June 5th, 2014 at 8:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 5, 2014

‘Bigger Google Ad Sizes, Bigger AdSense Profits?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Bigger Google Ad Sizes, Bigger AdSense Profits?”. Pete Prestipino says, “What’s the matter? Website visitors aren’t clicking the affiliate display ads you include on your website? No problem, just increase the size of the ads! This week Google introduced two new, much larger... [Read more]

‘The Unbearable Sameness Of Social Networks’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “The Unbearable Sameness Of Social Networks”. Selena Larson says, “When Facebook rolled out cover photos in 2011, it was a big deal. It was part of the Timeline redesign, the biggest shift in how people used Facebook in years. The large image at the top of your profile was an opportunity to... [Read more]

‘Google Now Has Real Potential To Dominate The Mobile Personalization Experience’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Google Now Has Real Potential To Dominate The Mobile Personalization Experience”. Tony Danova says, “There is a race underway on mobile to design a service that can anticipate users’ needs and serve them the content they’re looking for without them doing much more than... [Read more]

Covert Shirt Store: Cash in on the tee-shirt craze #ad

Tee-shirts are big business. Virtually everyone from babies to elders wear them. Most people have several, and are looking for more if they can find one that pleases them. And with a lot of consumer spending shifting to online purchases, there’s no better time to start an online tee-shirt store. The IM Wealth Builders team (Cindy Battye, John... [Read more]

‘Google Panda 4.0: How Will It Affect Your Site’s SEO?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Google Panda 4.0: How Will It Affect Your Site’s SEO?”. Tamara Weintraub says, “The Internet is abuzz with Google’s latest algorithm update, Panda 4.0, Google’s latest algorithm change has marketers, webmasters, and business owners alike scrambling to understand... [Read more]

‘A Go-To Guide to Screwing Up Your Landing Pages’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “A Go-To Guide to Screwing Up Your Landing Pages”. Lindsay Kolowich says, “Landing pages are the core of the conversion process. They are one of the best ways you can convert website visitors into leads and leads into customers. But a high-converting landing page isn’t just a random... [Read more]

‘Google Updates AdSense Ad Creation Process And Interface’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ‘Marketing Land’ is titled “Google Updates AdSense Ad Creation Process And Interface”. Ginny Marvin says, “Google has overhauled the ad creation process and interface in AdSense to make it easier to set up and deploy new ads across your site. When modifying text ad styles, a preview will show... [Read more]

WP Fast Dash: A dashboard for your portfolio of WP sites #ad

Manage your WordPress sites (and client sites) from a central command center, your WP Fast Dash. This web-based software by Bill Guthrie and Manfred Ekblad handles all your maintenance process centrally: • Install plugins and themes on all your sites • Update plugins and themes on all sites • Collect statistics on all sites •... [Read more]

‘Digital marketing optimization: five lessons from the top performers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Digital marketing optimization: five lessons from the top performers”. Graham Charlton says, “The average conversion rate in Adobe’s Digital Optimization survey is 2.6%. However, 20% of companies have a conversion rate greater than 4.5%. So what is the secret behind... [Read more]

‘Your Google Searches May Help Decide Your Facebook Ads’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Your Google Searches May Help Decide Your Facebook Ads”. Kurt Wagner says, “he ads you see on Facebook may soon look a lot like the ads you see on Google. Marketers are now able to take keywords from your search query on Google (or Yahoo or Bing) and use that information to offer you more... [Read more]

‘PPC Marketing: Testing value proposition messaging increases clickthrough 88%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “PPC Marketing: Testing value proposition messaging increases clickthrough 88%”. Selena Blue says, “Many website audiences are made up of more than one customer segment. The question is if you are best communicating with multiple segments. MECLABS, the parent company of MarketingSherpa... [Read more]

Boom Boom Traffic: simple quizzes bring traffic and signups #ad

This may be the best list building method ever created; using quizzes to attract visitors and convert them to list members. With Alessandro Zamboni‘s new product, Boom Boom Quiz, you will discover a new approach to list building with very high conversion, up to 50% signups. Quizzes attract people’s attention and hold it. That’s why... [Read more]

’15 Blog Optimization Stats You Need to Tweet … STAT’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “15 Blog Optimization Stats You Need to Tweet … STAT”. Sam Kusinitz says, “You’ve probably heard many times before that if you want to create and sustain a successful blog, there’s a lot you need to do. You’ve got to create exceptional content. You’ve got... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing – The Only Marketing That’s Left’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Content Marketing – The Only Marketing That’s Left”. Jacky Tan says, “Renowned marketing author, Seth Godin, once said - “[Content marketing] – is all the marketing that’s left. Teaching your customers and giving your customers the resources to believe you is new... [Read more]

‘The rise and rise of search’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The rise and rise of search”. Ben Davis says, “The recent preview of OS X Yosemite from Apple caused predictable amounts of chatter online (including this article) and rightly so. Sales of Macs hit 4.8m in Q1 2014, up from 4.1m for the same holiday period in 2013. OS X has... [Read more]

Are there really 47 Ways To Increase Your Open Rates and Clicks? #ad

Matt Bacak has been an e-mail marketer for over 10 years, and he sends out thousands upon thousands of e-mails every day. He has tested and tuned his process over and over, because he was looking for the best ways to use e-mail to run a business. You can get the benefit of his experience, his testing and his expensive self-education on how to use... [Read more]

‘Now Even LinkedIn Is Embracing The Visual Web’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Now Even LinkedIn Is Embracing The Visual Web”. Selena Larson says, “LinkedIn, the most staid of the major social networks, is about to get a little more lively. But only in that buttoned-down kind of LinkedIn way, in which the height of excitement is the fact that you’ll soon be able to... [Read more]

‘An Inside Look at YOUR Facebook Audience’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “An Inside Look at YOUR Facebook Audience”. Pete Prestipino says, “Facebook recently released Audience Insights, a new tool to help brands learn about their business customers. Facebook’s Audience Insights tool provides page publishers access to aggregate information about demographics... [Read more]

‘Businesses Using Mobile-Local Marketing Techniques Need To Give People A Good Reason To Opt-In’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled “Businesses Using Mobile-Local Marketing Techniques Need To Give People A Good Reason To Opt-In”. John Heggestuen says, “Smartphones have changed what it means to reach people while they’re out and about. Retailers and marketers no longer need to rely on billboards to advertise... [Read more]

Free trial: Amazon affiliate power software #ad

It’s always a nuisance to buy something that isn’t worth having. The time and effort to return a product and get a refund can use up a lot of energy. And the refund may never come. That’s why it’s so helpful for Walter Jayanth to offer a free trial of RipperKing™ Azon Ripper 2014, that you can download and test to verify that... [Read more]

‘PPC Marketing: Testing value proposition messaging increases clickthrough 88%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “PPC Marketing: Testing value proposition messaging increases clickthrough 88%”. Selena Blue says, “Many website audiences are made up of more than one customer segment. The question is if you are best communicating with multiple segments. MECLABS, the parent company of MarketingSherpa... [Read more]

Boom Boom Traffic: simple quizzes bring traffic and signups #ad

This may be the best list building method ever created; using quizzes to attract visitors and convert them to list members. With Alessandro Zamboni‘s new product, Boom Boom Quiz, you will discover a new approach to list building with very high conversion, up to 50% signups. Quizzes attract people’s attention and hold it. That’s why... [Read more]

’15 Blog Optimization Stats You Need to Tweet … STAT’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled “15 Blog Optimization Stats You Need to Tweet … STAT”. Sam Kusinitz says, “You’ve probably heard many times before that if you want to create and sustain a successful blog, there’s a lot you need to do. You’ve got to create exceptional content. You’ve got... [Read more]

WP Blazer Manages and Optimizes your WP sites #ad

Todd Gross and Girithara Prakash have just released sophisticated software for managing a portfolio of WordPress sites called WP Blazer 2.0, enhanced from the original version, released some time ago. If you have more than 1 or 2 sites, this software can make your "behind the scenes" work a lot easier. And it helps you shave off many hours spent on manually managing your sites. [Read more]

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