IM NewsWatch, June 2, 2016 - ‘5 Up-and-Coming Social Media Tools You Should Know About – Entrepreneur' and much more...

June 2nd, 2016 at 9:57 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 2, 2016

’12 Tips for Pinning on Pinterest After the New 2016 Changes’ – Small Business Trends

Annie Pilon says, “Pinterest has been rolling out a steady stream of updates this year, including changes to its algorithm and affiliate policy. If you use Pinterest as a marketing channel for your business, then you need to be aware of those Pinterest 2016 changes to really make the most of the platform. Here are some tips for pinning on Pinterest... [Read more]

‘5 Growth Hacking Tools for a Winning Content Marketing Strategy’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Search Engine Optimization is without a doubt a crowded industry. Being the number one driver of traffic to content sites (surpassing social media by more than 300 percent), it has grown to be one of the most in-demand inbound marketing strategy for online businesses. This brought forth countless SEO agencies and... [Read more]

‘5 Up-and-Coming Social Media Tools You Should Know About’ – Entrepreneur

Anna Johansson says, “Social media marketing is still a new business tool, relatively speaking. There’s no magic formula for success, and the potential benefits of your efforts are broad and not entirely predictable. That promise is appealing, especially to young entrepreneurs, but results don’t come automatically — even if you have... [Read more]

Crowd-sourced Viral Content to boost all your social+web traffic #ad

If you haven’t taken advantage of the traffic that can send you, you re missing out on one of the least appreciated marketing powerhouses. More online traffic goes to on a daily basis, than to LinkedIN, Instagram, Pinterest, and Craig’s List. If you want your site to be seen as cutting edge and relevant, you need to... [Read more]

‘What are chatbots and why should marketers care?’ – Econsultancy

Nikki gilliland says, “During the recent F8 summit, Mark Zuckerberg took to the stage to announce the integration of chatbot technology into Facebook Messenger. Explaining his desire for the consumer to “be able to message a business in the same way you message a friend”, he proposed a new step forward for conversational commerce. But hold... [Read more]

‘Multiple Streams of Income from Your Digital Business: Meet Joanna Penn, Creative Entrepreneur’ – Copyblogger

Sonia Simone says, “Joanna Penn is known for being an unusually multifaceted author. Not only does she write thriller novels under the name J.F. Penn, she’s also a nonfiction writer, copywriter, teacher, and content creator … and she’s the “chief marketing officer” for her own career. And her marketing superpower? Being able to see the... [Read more]

‘4 Ways Copywriting Can Boost Your E-commerce Conversion Rates’ – MOZ

Khalid Saleh says, “Your website’s copy is far more important than you realize. Besides design, copy forms the foundation of your brand. How you describe yourself and your products leaves a palpable impression on your customers. Whether customers think of your brand as bold, futuristic, quirky, or cute depends largely on your copy. Web copy... [Read more]

What do you really need in order to succeed online? #ad

Many beginning marketers have asked themselves that question.  And that's good because it's a crucial question. Get the answer wrong, and you can waste a lot of money on useless fluff. Even worse, get it wrong, and you very likely will not succeed... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s DeepText has ‘near-human’ understanding of people’s posts’ – Marketing Land

Tim Peterson says, “Facebook is getting even closer to a human-level understanding of what people are saying. Facebook has developed DeepText, a new way to parse text using artificial intelligence processes that’s quicker at picking up new languages and slang than traditional approaches. In a company blog post published on Wednesday, three members... [Read more]

‘How to Make Content the Engine That Drives Sales’ – Entrepreneur

Derek Miller says, “Content has quickly become one of the most popular marketing tools for companies to invest in. An effective content strategy can generate better search rankings, higher traffic and onsite engagement and ultimately, more sales. The main issue now, is that many companies are throwing money into content without proper research,... [Read more]

‘Ads not performing? Strategies to steal from the email marketing playbook’ – Marketing Land

Mike Sands says, “I don’t know a marketer today who doesn’t marvel at the pace the industry is moving. But ask any CMO what his or her priorities are, and chances are good that a key focus today was also on the priority list five, 10, even 20 years ago — and will continue to remain so for years into the future. What marketing goal could... [Read more]

Walt Bayliss releases Webinar Jeo professional webinar system #ad

Webinars are a route many successful marketers use to bring in income. In that way, webinars are like TV infomercials, only a lot cheaper. Webinar systems are widely available.  Unfortunately, although they are cheaper than infomercials, many webinar platforms are themselves pricey for small marketers... [Read more]

’10 Communication Skills That Are Crucial to Sales Success’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “Good communication is crucial to sales success. Sounds obvious, right? You can’t make a sale unless you’ve demonstrated value to a prospect. You can’t do that unless you’ve understood their problems and devised a strategy to solve them. In turn, you can’t do that until you get your prospect to tell you what’s wrong.... [Read more]

‘It’s Risky Doing Digital Half-way’ – Forrester

John M. Wargo says, “I attended a software-related conference recently; I’m not going to say which one as this is about something I observed at the conference, not about the conference itself. Being a software conference, the conference organizers did a lot of the expected digital stuff: registration, reminder emails and conference check-in.... [Read more]

‘Win a pair of tickets to our Future of Digital Marketing conference’ – Econsultancy

David Moth says, “At Econsultancy’s Future of Digital Marketing conference next Tuesday (June 7th) expert speakers will share their views on the trends that are set to shape our industry. And we have two pairs of tickets to giveaway in our Twitter competition tomorrow, Thursday 2nd June. The full details are below, but first here’s a bit more... [Read more]

Send messages to desktops, not inboxes, for better results #ad

Your inbox, our inbox, and, for that matter, everybody's inbox is getting flooded with mail. You can't keep up. So email marketing isn't as effective as it once was.  People just don't notice your mail when it comes in... [Read more]

‘5 Traffic Generating Tools to Maximize Your Web Content Visibility’ –

Christopher Jan Benitez says, “Your content will not promote itself, which is why you need to do the legwork of promoting them to your audience. However, doing them manually will take out so much of your time, not to mention won’t guarantee that your content will be promoted as effectively. Therefore, use the tools featured below to help... [Read more]

‘5 Keys to Building Your Ecommerce Site’ – Entrepreneur

Thomas Smale says, “In 2015, overall web sales across Europe were up 12.6 percent. For the United States, results were the same: The same study found that web sales here in 2015 grew by 14.6 percent. Clearly, consumers in multiple countries are shopping online more often, and that’s a trend we can expect to continue. It’s also good... [Read more]

‘Supercharge Your Online Marketing Skills: New Training and Workshops from Moz Academy!’ – MOZ

Rachel Goodman Moore says, “Do you suffer from average ROI and low-to-moderate page optimization scores? Do you feel like your SEO has lost its spark? Have you sensed there’s something “missing” from your digital marketing strategy? If this sounds like you or someone you know, then have I got some good news for you”. Supercharge Your... [Read more]

Facebook expert tells how he gets free traffic to his offers #ad

James Knight knows a thing or two about affiliate marketing, and he knows a lot about Facebook marketing. He combined his two areas of expertrise in his new training, 'FB Cash King'. In fact, what he shares in this new training works, not just for affiliate marketing, but also for CPA, launching your own products or just about any other marketing you want to do... [Read more]

‘3 Tips for Using Customer Testimonials to Sell More Online’ – Small Business Trends

Brian Hughes says, “From televisions to T-shirts, the ability to return just about anything we don’t like helps fuel consumer confidence and online spending. The shirt didn’t fit right? Send it back. Don’t need that collector’s edition of Breaking Bad after all? Mail the DVDs back to Amazon. Want to sweeten the deal even more and increase... [Read more]

‘6 Little-Known Ways Agencies Can Generate More Leads’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “How do you find new clients? This is a common question agency execs ask. But it’s not the right question. Instead, you should be asking: How do new clients find my agency? Yes, you should be asking for referrals from your current clients and building a list of prospects who would be a great fit for your agency’s... [Read more]

‘Why the blog post is killing the press release’ – Marketing Land

Patrick Armitage says, “Now that we’ve established how social and mobile are completely changing the traditional desktop, website and content experience, it’s time to rethink the press release. We are now in a post-gatekeeper era of publicity and PR. The gatekeepers are no longer the editors and reporters of magazines and newspapers. The “gatekeeper”... [Read more]

‘How Wish uses ‘aggressive’ automated email in ecommerce’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “I reviewed the mobile UX of the Wish ecommerce app last week. It’s a platform for bargain hunters and uses lots of tactics to create a sense of urgency. In the week since signing up, I have received seven automated emails (as well as a number of app notifications). Let’s have a look at Wish’s approach. Day three:... [Read more]

‘Connect the Dots: Old School Marketing Meets New School Innovation’ –

Blair Nicole says, “Are you finding limited results with your online marketing campaign? Have you wasted money on old school advertising with limited results? Is your social media campaign failing to result in any real business? Believe it or not, the best marketing campaigns rely on the right mix of old school marketing strategies and new school... [Read more]

‘7 Reasons to Stop Writing Cold Emails and Throw an Event Instead’ – Entrepreneur

Bill Carmody says, “Has there ever been a salesperson who closed a million-dollar deal via an outbound email blast? My guess is that the chances this has happened range from slim to none. Author Thom Singer summed it up best in The ABC’s of Networking, when he noted that, “When we shortchange the face-to-face, we shortchange the relationship.” Singer... [Read more]

‘7 essential Google Analytics reports every marketer must know’ – Search Engine Land

Khaled Saleh says, “For marketers, there are few skills more important than a deep understanding of Google Analytics and its conversion measurement capabilities. After all, this is the tool that tells you whether your efforts are actually translating into results. Unfortunately, mastering Google Analytics can be challenging, even for experienced... [Read more]

‘Marketing With Virtual Reality’ – Forrester

JP Gownder says, “Moonlighting as a contributor to our CMO role’s research, I’ve just published a major new report about how virtual reality will affect marketers, collaborating with Forrester’s lead on digital disruption, James McQuivey, PhD. CMOs and other marketers have four choices when it comes to virtual reality (VR). Most of you... [Read more]

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