IM NewsWatch, January 8, 2015 - 'What to Cut From Your Marketing in 2015 – HubSpot' and much more...

January 8th, 2015 at 9:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, January 8, 2015

‘How to Get 200+ New Subscribers From 1 LinkedIn Article’ – Content Marketing Institute

Rachel Foster says, “LinkedIn’s publishing platform used to be reserved for select influencers; however, now anyone can publish articles there. But is the platform worth your time? According to an Oktopost study, LinkedIn is the best social network for generating B2B leads. Over 80% of B2B social leads come from LinkedIn, compared with 12.73%... [Read more]

‘5 Essential Insights You Can Uncover Using Twitter Analytics’ – HubSpot

Larry Kim says, “When it launched last year, Twitter Analytics marked a solid (if long overdue) move towards greater transparency and measurement abilities for users. And since then, Twitter has continued to make upgrades to the tool, most recently by adding analytics access in its mobile app. Though users now have more insight into their Twitter... [Read more]

‘Getting Quality Links For Your Site’ – Tweak Your Biz

Kevin says, “As far as basic tenants of SEO practice go, creating a quality link profile for a client’s site (or yours) is fundamental to the success of any SEO campaign. As basic as this practice is in the SEO world, it is astounding at how complicated many SEO’s seem determined to make it. Which is why me and the guys over at FosterSEO created... [Read more]

‘How Email Marketers Can Prepare For Inbox By Google’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Sather says, “In late 2014, Google announced “Inbox by Google,” update to the nearly ten-year-old Gmail interface that is essentially a re-imagined email client for Gmail, but focused on helping people manage their busy lives. The effort takes the best ideas from products like Google Now and Gmail as well as from upstart email apps like... [Read more]

‘Corporate SEO Checklist for Your YouTube Video’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Ryan Chester says, “Imagine if the Amazon River was filled with gold and you could divert it to your backyard. Well that is what YouTube has recently become, a goldmine of traffic. It offers a great opportunity to quickly attract tons of traffic to your website. That’s why corporations worldwide are trying to figure out the magic of optimizing... [Read more]

‘12 Ways to Improve Email Deliverability’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Neil Patel says, “I rave about email marketing all the time. But I need to shoot straight with you about email marketing lest you think it’s some holy grail of marketing. Your emails are useless unless they actually make it to the user’s inbox. Let me state that another way so you don’t miss it. If your emails aren’t getting delivered, then... [Read more]

‘Adopt 4 Tactics to Turn 2015 Into a Launchpad for Productivity’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Geoff McQueen says, “The schedules of professionals are often dictated by the demands of clients and colleagues. The start of the New Year — as clients and teams take time off — provides a great opportunity to review what’s important rather than urgent. Here are four ways to use precious downtime to improve your business and life... [Read more]

‘Four Steps to Getting Started With Social Selling’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Atri Chatterjee says, “Picture, for just a moment, that you’ve been unexpectedly asked along to a party thrown by a friend of a friend. You hardly know anyone there, but you’re happy to mingle with the other guests to pass the time, especially since you consider yourself sociable enough to handle the challenge. As the event wears... [Read more]

‘Facebook Shares More Evidence That Facebook Video Is Really Big’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “By now there’s no doubt that Facebook is a major player in the online video world. Every day Facebook users watch more than a billion clips on the social network. There’s evidence that Facebook is closing in on YouTube as the No. 1 place for marketers to post their videos. In October, comScore reported that on desktop Facebook... [Read more]

‘What to Cut From Your Marketing in 2015′ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “Pretty much all marketers are pressured to do more. Get on more social networks, write more blog posts, send more emails, run more reports, generate more sales … And sometimes, doing more works. Blogging more, for example, can increase traffic and leads. But other times, doing less is actually a much better idea. Adding... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: 415% lift in pageviews via inbound strategy’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Starting from the ground up with a content marketing strategy is no simple undertaking. Add in a tight budget and a marketing team of one, and the challenges continue to mount. Learn how the sole marketer at DB Squared, a business finance company, implemented an inbound marketing approach to generate new leads and brand awareness.... [Read more]

‘How to Conduct a Content Audit for Quality and Audience Experience’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “However you may feel about New Year’s resolutions, January just seems to bring on the desire for fresh starts. This month, the Copyblogger editorial team is tackling something we’ve had our eye on for awhile — a content audit. Now I don’t know about you, but that word audit doesn’t really inspire me. In fact, the... [Read more]

‘Case Study: One Site’s Recovery from an Ugly SEO Mess’ – MOZ Blog

Alan Bleiweiss says, “This past March, I was contacted by a prospective client: My site has been up since 2004. I had good traffic growth up to 2012 (doubling each year to around a million page views a month), then suffered a 40% drop in mid Feb 2012. I’ve been working on everything that I can think of since, but the traffic has never recovered. Since... [Read more]

‘6 Types of Sales Pitches Every Seller Should Know’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “The term “sales pitch” might be a little old school, but the concept is not. At its core, a sales pitch is just a way to explain your product or service’s value to the buyer. Call it what you will, but convincing prospects of an offering’s worth is still central to sales. What has gone out of style... [Read more]

‘7 Common B2B Lead Generation Mistakes To Be Avoided’ – Tweak Your Biz

Niraj Bariya says, “B2B Lead Generation is the process that aims to capture and stimulate interests of clients to develop a company’s sales pipeline. While the buying process always goes through changes triggered by various factors, lead generation is a sure shot way of getting the brand heard and finding new buyers. In the highly competitive marketplace... [Read more]

‘Five New Year’s resolutions for marketers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Matthew Kates says, “It may not seem all that surprising, but research shows that only 8% of people who make resolutions each January actually achieve them. However, no matter the success rate, each year we make certain promises to ourselves to be better than we were the year before – both in our personal and business lives. Some of the most common... [Read more]

‘The Key to Maximizing Return When Selling a Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Tensie Homan says, “When contemplating the sale of a business, most owners anticipate receiving the highest value for its intellectual property, real estate or sales. If you’re contemplating the sale of your business in 2015 based on positive trends in business valuations, you may be misinterpreting the true value of a return. According to... [Read more]

‘Tips & Tricks for Searching Google Like a Pro’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “Sometimes, I wish Google would just read my mind. I usually have this thought after trying variation after variation of pretty specific search terms, like “recent social media statistics,” without finding what I’m looking for. You’d think those search terms would return relevant results — it’s... [Read more]

‘What is Negative SEO and how can you protect your website?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Whilst navigating your way through the murky world of black hat and white hat SEO techniques you may have come across another nefarious sounding term… negative SEO. The purpose of this post is to tell you exactly what negative SEO actually means, whether you need to worry about it and what you can do to defend yourself... [Read more]

‘Retailers Using Product Videos Report Much Higher AOV, Conversion Rates’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Retailers that incorporate product video on their sites to inform consumers report higher average order values and conversion rates according to a survey of Liveclicker’s customers using its VideoCommerce product which powers product video distribution and analytics for e-commerce firms. The survey included large retailers... [Read more]

‘Key Trends in Ecommerce’ eMarketer Webinar January 22

eMarketer team says, “The webinar will address these key questions: How is mobile changing the path to purchase?   Why is locally relevant information so important in ecommerce?   How are innovative retailers dealing with fulfillment challenges?   How can you create personalized offers without seeming creepy?” Webinar Details Organizer:... [Read more]

‘3 Quick SEO Resolutions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “By this time in January most people have created a resolution or two – often focusing on their waste lines or bottom lines. Many Internet professionals, however, shouldn’t let the opportunity pass to resolve to improve their search rankings in quick but meaningful ways. Here are three quick SEO resolutions that almost... [Read more]

‘3 Strategies to Unlock YouTube’s Potential in 2015’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Dave Rosner says, “The debate is officially over: YouTube is mainstream. With the allure of video and over a billion monthly users, the platform is where culture is born today. In 2014, YouTube officially became the second-largest search engine, with over 300 hours of content uploaded every minute, and those billion unique visitors watch more than... [Read more]

‘Write Like a Pro: 5 Techniques Top Bloggers Use to Write Successful Blog Posts′ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “In all my years of experience working in the content creation space, I’ve received plenty of requests from bloggers, marketers, and even digital marketing agencies to craft amazing articles. To my dismay, the majority of these pieces end up buried under pages and pages on Google. Only a minority of them turned out to be successful blog... [Read more]

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