IM NewsWatch, December 23, 2014 - 'Why Personalized Marketing Will Dominate in 2015 – MarketingProfs' and much more...

December 23rd, 2014 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

‘Why Personalized Marketing Will Dominate in 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Some 88% of marketers know that a customized Web experience can boost their ROI, but only 6% plan with personalization in mind, according to the following Formstack infographic. Have you included personalized marketing in your plans for the new year? Here are some reasons why you should. “Customers will prefer... [Read more]

‘Last-minute Guide to 2014’s Best New Books for Content Marketers’ – Content Marketing Institute

Roger C. Parker says, “For the third year in a row, it has been a great time for new books that can make a big difference for entrepreneurs and marketers looking for ways to improve their content marketing skills. As in previous years, the range of books continues to expand beyond titles containing “content marketing.” As described in my... [Read more]

’21 Free Design Tools for Marketers on a Budget’ – HubSpot

Rosalia Cefalu says, “They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but let’s be honest … a pretty cover doesn’t hurt when it comes to your marketing. That’s why — whether you’re creating lead generation content, social media content, calls-to-action, or infographics — your marketing materials should... [Read more]


Comment Maximiser nurtures your Facebook fans, improves engagement #ad

Aravindh Sridhar has found a way get the hottest traffic on Facebook and he does it for free. If you think Facebook marketing is complicated, Sridhar may be able to help. There's a lot of jargon surrounding Facebook, but if you strip it all away, it just comes down to engagement with your fans... [Read more]

‘How to Use Social Proof to Influence Visitors and Increase Your Sales’ – Shopify

Tucker Schreiber says, “It’s a cold evening on the town, and you’re looking for a place to grab a bite to eat. You come across two restaurants – one is close to full, the other is almost empty. Which one do you choose? Chances are you’ll go to the one that’s close to full. That’s social proof. It’s a psychological phenomenon... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing and Deeper Analytics’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Content marketers should expect a variety of solutions to emerge in 2015 to support their initiatives – and the surge will likely start with offerings focusing on analytics. Scribble Technologies Inc., makers of ScribbleLive, recently announced the launch of ScribbleLive Social Discovery, an innovative new software... [Read more]

‘How to Randomize Display Ads with DataFeedr’ by John Chow

Chow says, “One of the most common ways to monetize any website or blog is through display advertising. Banner ads typically come in a number of standard sizes, so you can design your WordPress blog to accommodate these formats accordingly. Whether you’re using AdSense or you want to promote an affiliate offer, however, you’ll want to vary up... [Read more]

Optin Overdrive: Get more subscribers every day #ad

Matt Bacak and Eric Graham are online marketers, and, more than that, they are list builders. The have built multiple lists of thousands of subscribers... [Read more]

‘7 Challenges Facing Google With The Rise Of Native Mobile Advertising’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Google still holds the lion’s share of mobile ad dollars, but that grip has been slipping. Google is set to lose 13 percent of its mobile ad market share globally this year, according to estimates released by eMarketer. Facebook, on the other hand, is projected to see its market share increase by nearly 11 percent. Twitter... [Read more]

‘The Future of Social Media: 25 Experts Share Their 2015 Predictions’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Vignesh Subramanyan says, “Social Media has cemented its hold on businesses as more and more marketers indicate that they are placing a high value on it and are wanting to master social tactics that effectively engage their audience. The past year has seen an increase in Social Media Marketing through countless studies, practices, industry trends... [Read more]

‘Facebook stock hits another all-time high’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Facebook is ending the year on a high note. The company’s stock hit a new all-time high of $81.89 a share in midday trading Monday, an increase of about 2.5% on the day, which pushed the social networking company’s market cap to nearly $230 billion. The surge in Facebook stock came amid a broader market rally that... [Read more]

Plugin Blueprint: how you can create and market WP plugins #ad

Derrick VanDyke is known to many of our readers. He is the creator of several software products and training products. His specialty is software. He is a PHP programmer, but he no longer does his own programming... [Read more]

‘International SEO Study: How Searchers Perceive Country Code Top-Level Domains’ – MOZ Blog

Eli Schwartz says, “The decision to focus your site on an international audience is a big step and one fraught with complexities. There are, of course, issues to deal with around language and user experience, but in addition there are some big technical choices to make including what domains to use. Any authoritative international SEO guide will... [Read more]

‘Why Pinterest’s New Promoted Pins Will Attract Advertisers’ – HubSpot

Tim Letscher says, “When you want to find something on the web, you Google it. Google is to search what Kleenex is to tissues. But there is a relative newcomer in the world of search that is approaching search not like an answering machine but as a discovery tool. That newcomer is Pinterest with its new promoted pins program. It’s creating... [Read more]

‘Can You Write Viral Copy like The Huffington Post?: 6 reasons why you might not be stacking up’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Paul Cheney says, “If you’ve ever opened a Web browser, chances are you’ve visited The Huffington Post. That might be related to the fact that they (by a landslide) publish the largest number of viral stories on the Web, according to NewsWhip. One of my favorite things to do when I find out someone is the best at something isanalyze their method... [Read more]

My Video Pal: your solution for professional animated videos #ad

My Video Pal v.3 allows you to create professional animated videos that will grab your viewer's attention and make them listen to what you have to say by using software that you probably have it on your computer right now... [Read more]

‘Leaping towards localisation: Worldwide sales in 2014’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christian Arno says, “As we draw towards the end of the year, it’s always interesting to review what products or services sold well to whom around the world. It’s also a time when we try to foresee opportunities for the next year ahead. I’m a big believer in learning from the market, in order to be best-placed to deliver according to its demands. For... [Read more]

‘Master List of E-Commerce Solutions for 2015’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “Choosing an e-commerce solution can be a daunting task, regardless if you are a retailer who is just getting started selling online or an experienced seller with a robust inventory. Since each e-commerce solution comes with its own unique feature set, it is vital that prospective retailers do their research to identify which platform... [Read more]

‘Mobile’s Promise For 2015′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Soo Jin Oh says, “For marketers and agencies alike, 2014 was considered the year of mobile. There were countless articles, predictions and reports this year about how mobile advertising spend would increase across industries. According to eMarketer, total media ad spend in the U.S. saw its largest increase in a decade, and mobile was set to lead... [Read more]

InstaBuilder builds marketing websites by Drag-And-Drop #ad

The brand new 'InstaBuilder 2.0' is a "no tech skills needed" online marketer's answer to the toughest site building problems. You can literally know almost nothing about technology and still succeed in creating a professional looking and acting website. Any marketer can use it and get a site running in minutes... [Read more]

‘An Easy Fix for 5 Website Woes That Can Threaten Your Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “It’s something that hangs heavy over your head every day. You’ve got traffic flowing to your site. You’ve built an audience and overcome the obscurity problem. The number of links pointing to your site grows every day, social shares to your content rise with each passing moment, and you’ve recently started creating... [Read more]

‘B2B Vs B2C Content Marketing: Do You Know The Difference?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Holly Hammersmith says, “Working as an independent marketing writer and journalist, I often have to switch hats and adjust my writing for different audiences. Not only do I have to understand the audience that each piece of content serves, I also have to address them accordingly. The same goes for your brand’s content marketing strategy. Correctly... [Read more]

‘6 tech trends for 2015 that will change our future’ – ‘Mashable’

Lance Ulanoff says, “Technology and innovation can be frustrating to watch in action. That’s because there usually isn’t much action — just incremental change with occasional flashes of brilliance. But the only way to truly understand what’s happening and why is to keep watching. Breakthroughs from years ago are finally leading to real products... [Read more]

‘An Overview of the Major Google Algorithm Updates of 2014′ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Inbound marketers are constantly on alert for changes in Google’s ever-evolving algorithm … but that doesn’t mean we don’t miss one every now and then. The combination of frequent algorithm updates and a busy workload means that sometimes a critical update gets lost in the sauce. To make sure... [Read more]

‘2014’s Top Social Sharing Trends’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “AddThis is shedding light on 2014’s top social sharing trends. The content engagement tools provider conducted a year-end analysis, which reveals insights into the growth of the Web’s most popular social networks, global social sharing trends and mobile adoption across the globe. According to the data, 2014’s fastest... [Read more]

‘How Does Your Facebook Strategy Compare to that of the Top Brands?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As brands place more and more importance on utilizing social media, they must first understand how the most successful brands generate consumer engagement with their posts. Simply Measured, a social analytics platform, has released the findings of its Q3 2014 Facebook Study that measured brand activity on the popular social network... [Read more]

‘FCC Launches Effort to Help Online Video Providers Compete With Cable Guys’ – Re/code

Amy Schatz says, “Federal regulators released new proposed rules Friday designed to make it easier for online video providers to get access to must-have channels, a change which ultimately could provide some relief for consumers tired of high cable bills. The agency proposed broadening the current definition for what constitutes a pay-TV provider... [Read more]

‘Email Marketers’ Top Resolutions for 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “More than half (53%) of email marketers say getting higher click-through and interaction rates is their top priority for 2015, according to a recent report from Campaigner. The report was based on data from a survey of 130 email marketers conducted in November. Other top email resolutions for the year ahead include creating... [Read more]

‘Will People Ever Buy Through Social Media?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “E-commerce and social media have been flirting for years with little to show for it, but the courtship is heating up. Both Twitter and Facebook are engaging in high-profile tests to bring the shopping experience directly into social streams. Many third-party vendors already offer ways to plug e-commerce into the social media... [Read more]


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