IM NewsWatch, December 1, 2014 - 'Maximizing Facebook Engagement With Images – Business 2 Community' and much more...

December 1st, 2014 at 9:04 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, December 1, 2014

‘Guest Expert: Wylei’s Mike Monteiro on Making Your Emails More Context-Driven’ – Silverpop Blog

Will Schnabel says, “Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few months, you’ve probably been bombarded with articles screaming that context-driven messaging is the next big thing in marketing. If you’re really unlucky, you’ve even had your boss forward you one of them, captioned with a cryptic directive like “we should be on top... [Read more]

‘Pass the E-Commerce Please – Thanksgiving Revenue Increases’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “Thanksgiving has quite a bit of ground to make up if it wants to compete with the likes of Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but that’s not to say it didn’t have an impressive retail showing. In fact, the Custora E-Commerce Pulse indicates that online shopping was up almost 20 percent in Thanksgiving 2014 compared to Thanksgiving... [Read more]

‘Search Marketing and Psychology: 4 Principles of Human Behavior to Leverage Today’ – ClickZ Blog

Dave Lloyd says, “There are several psychological principles that marketers can use to help improve their campaigns. Here is a look at four to get you started. Marketers are influencers. Daily we’re thinking either about influencing internal teams to get things done or with prospects who can engage and convert through their marketing activity.... [Read more]

9 WordPress Classic Themes: Cyber Monday Sale #ad

If you have invested in Josee Bedard’s themes, you know they are beautiful, professional and functional. Now, Bedard and company are offering 9 of the best themes they have ever released in a bundle for peanuts. They call it their Theme Blowout Package, and the sale is for today only. These themes are all responsive to tablets and smartphones.... [Read more]

‘How to Use SWOT Analyses for Smarter Content Strategies’ – HubSpot

Lisa Toner says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year for content marketers. This time of year is when you measure your impact on this year’s company goals and uncover opportunities for moving the needle on next year’s. But when most people run these analyses and calculate next year’s predictions, they forgetabout... [Read more]

‘Maximizing Facebook Engagement With Images’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Heather Smith says, “Retailers investing in social media marketing are finding success in terms of brand awareness, engagement and sales. As many as 93% of marketers are using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram as part of their marketing efforts. New data is giving retail marketers more insights into what social... [Read more]

‘Black Friday sees record-breaking online shopping’ – ‘Mashable’

Kari Paul says, “Although there was no shortage of in-store mayhem this Black Friday, shoppers are increasingly opting to take advantage of the major discounts online—and on their phones— new reports show. Black Friday online sales broke new records this year, according to new data from IBM, with mobile traffic outpacing PC traffic for the first... [Read more]

Social Bookmarking Backlinks: Get Indexed In just Hours #ad

James Howard has just released Social Bookmarking Backlinks, showing how you can quickly get noticed, and respected, by the search engines. This training is an in-depth look at social bookmarking for SEO improvement. In fact, it’s a step-by-step guide to boosting your rankings IIn the training, you will discover things like: • Where to... [Read more]

‘Online Marketing News: PageRank Is Dead, Google Gets Anti-Ads, Every Tweet Ever’ – TopRank Blog

Ben Brausen says, “10 Marketing Predictions for 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC] - There have been many changes in the digital marketing space over 2014, and that has marketers preparing to revise their strategies as we approach 2015. So what is the future of SEO, social media, content marketing, and mobile marketing? Find out. Social Media Today Survey: The... [Read more]

‘Good Password = Good Idea’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Brendan Hill says, “This time of year, with all the online shopping, shipping, and marketing to be done, you might find yourself signing up for several web-based products or services (like VerticalResponse). While it’s tempting to rush through these sign up processes to place your order faster or start using the product more quickly, you want... [Read more]

‘Are Your Blog Posts Readable?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Amanda Clark says, “Last week, the Grammar Chic, Inc. team offered a few tips for businesses just getting into the blogging routine. Today, we’re going to hone in on an important concept for new and seasoned business bloggers alike—the concept of readability. Obviously, you want your blog to offer value, you want it to be interesting to read,... [Read more]

Russell Carter’s Black Friday Mega Blowout Package #ad

There are many Black Friday (and Cyber Monday) specials available, including some for people who earn their living online. One that is underway now is by Russell Carter. His Mega Blowout Package is a bundle of 14 Internet Marketing Packages (over 2250 best-selling Internet Marketing products) at discounts of 50%-75%. You can discover new techniques... [Read more]

‘10 best intergalactic oddities from the internet this week’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Something feels different today… Not sure I can quite put my finger on it. It’s as if there’s been a fundamental change in the way you can read this article. Almost like if you were to stretch the edges of a window either way, it would adjust to fit. I would even go so far as to say that if you happened to be... [Read more]

‘Tumblr Opens App Up to New Ad Display’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As more consumers continue to flock to social media, networks are constantly looking for ways to capitalize on their popularity and increase their earnings. Popular blogging network Tumblr has announced that it is launching a new ad service called Tumblr Sponsored Apps. The new service is a mobile ad product that enables companies... [Read more]

‘Mobile Ads Drive Differing In-Store Visits Depending On Sector’ – ClickZ Blog

Yuya Chen says, “A recent study by Nielsen commissioned by xAd reveals that the best location-based mobile marketing tactics differ greatly depending on the industry vertical. Mobile devices ­ and the real-time view of consumer foot traffic they enable, are the key to connecting online activities to offline commerce and store visitation, according... [Read more]

Get a first page ranking with no backlinks #ad

If you want people to find your site, the search engines can be your friend; that is, if you give them what they are looking for... [Read more]

‘As Mobile Conversions Climb, Ensure You’re On Track To Optimize The Right Channels And Devices’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Katherine Buchholz says, “Looks like it’s time to get some new hiking boots because mobile is climbing yet again! 2014 marked the first time that mobile surpassed desktop Internet usage, and we’re now witnessing a new way it continues to grow: in conversions. People are spending more time with the Internet on their smartphones than ever before:... [Read more]

‘Amazon Gears Up For Cyber Monday’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Amazon’s already sooo over Black Friday. The online retail giant pushes forward with new offers starting Saturday, ahead of Cyber Monday, with new deals launching every 10 minutes. For the first time, it’s also sending mobile-exclusive lightning deals through its app, so users can snag a sweet discount on the go. Amazon says... [Read more]

‘Is it all over for content?: 11 talking points’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Dan Brotzel says, “Is it all over for content? Are we all about to drown in cr*p? Are we all in Content Shock? Is the anti-content backlash finally here? Here are 11 perspectives on the great content deluge debate… A vast cloud of blah “I’ve recently been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of jabber in the world: a vast cloud of blah... [Read more]

The last thing a business owner wants to see is another salesperson #ad

If you go to a local business, wanting to sell them anew online service, there's a good chance they won't pay attention. A few will be interested, but you will waste a lot of time calling upon owners who don't care... [Read more]

‘Here’s a Nice Holiday Gift Idea: Change Twitter’s 140-Character Limit’ – Re/code

Re/code team says, “In the spirit of Black Friday, I’m sending along my holiday wish list to Twitter. I’d like a better search feature, please. And the Direct Messages tool could use a facelift, too. But if there’s room for just one gift this year, I know what’s at the top of my list: Changing the 140-character limit. Since Twitter’s... [Read more]

‘Twitter Offers New Social Commerce Feature’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Twitter has unveiled a new feature that aims to help merchants increase conversions through the social network. The feature, dubbed Twitter Offers, enables advertisers to create card-linked promotions and share them on the social network. Then, when a Twitter Offer appears in a consumer’s timeline, the consumer has... [Read more]

‘The Ultimate Rule of Search Engine Marketing’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “The average search engine experience for a consumer goes something like this: Something will pop into someone’s head, and they need the Internet to get more information. They then search for what they’re thinking about at that time. Sometimes it’s something they want to buy, and they’re looking to... [Read more]

New Fitness PLR for Amazon affiliates #ad

If you are in the fitness niche, here's a way for you to earn some Amazon commissions with this easily applied review content for fitness equipment... [Read more]


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