IM NewsWatch, April 7, 2015 - 'Leveraging the Right Email Marketing Data – Website Magazine' and much more...

April 7th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, April 6, 2015

‘How To Get Links, Leads, Shares & Sales From What You Already Know’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tom Demers says, “You probably know more than you think. Not just about one thing – about all kinds of things. I’m not a great poker player, but I was a “winning” poker player when I played at really low levels. I played a lot of poker, and while I didn’t lose money, I didn’t really make very much, either. I don’t play much poker... [Read more]

‘Leveraging the Right Email Marketing Data’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “In email marketing, too many companies rely on metrics that do not give them an optimal return – defaulting to open and click-through rates as their only practice of data analysis. Though these are integral metrics to analyze throughout any email campaign, they are not the end-all, be-all. When aptly leveraged, the right... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Aggressively Grow Your Newsletter Subscribers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jonathan Long says, “Email is one of the most effective forms of digital marketing and an essential component of every campaign. A great way to build your email list is to offer a newsletter. Simply placing an opt-in form on your website isn’t enough to build a large subscriber list. Sure, you will get the occasional subscriber here and there,... [Read more]

Get VideoPages software plus 12 Software Bonuses #ad

Last week, we told you about Joshua Zamora’s new software, VideoPages. It builds web pages with embedded video (sales pages, opt-in pages, etc.) It comes with several templates that let you vary the look of your pages. To see the original ad for more details, click here: VideoPages Launch Ad. Since their initial launch a week ago, they have raised... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing World: 8 Key Social Media Trends for 2015’ – ‘’ Blog

Shayna Marks says, “The 3rd annual Social Media Marketing World is, without a doubt, the largest gathering of the world’s most influential social media juggernauts. With the likes of Mari Smith, Guy Kawasaki, Ann Handley, Chris Brogan and Jay Baer (just to name a few), it’s clear to see that host Social Media Examiner has a pretty incredible... [Read more]

‘Here’s Why Most A/B Testing is Boring and Not Really Worth the Trouble’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Paul Cheney says, “Do a quick Google search on “things to a/b test on a website,” scan the results for a moment, then come back and read the rest of this article. Most of you reading this are marketers, so you know I’m taking a big risk by telling you to go do something else before you read my article. In fact if you’re reading this now,... [Read more]

‘Social Media social-sharing-group Keeping Up With Social Media as Your B2B Marketing Organization Grows’ – ClickZ Blog

Jasmine Sandler says, “As your company grows, you will need to put more effort into supporting and maintaining your social media programs. Most B2B companies have similar marketing goals – grow and drive top market position while maintaining excellence in client service. With that being said, social media, as a business tool, when utilized correctly,... [Read more]

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad

No matter what you do online, whether you’re promoting a CPA offer, selling physical products, collecting leads or anything else online, you need targeted traffic, large amounts of it and you need it now... [Read more]

‘How to Get More Subscribers On Your Mailing List With These 5 Relationship Rules’ – ‘Affilorama’ Blog

Gina Broom says, “A lot of the relationship rules that I’m about to cover may seem a little cliché, and anyone who’s active in the relationship niche will recognize them pretty quickly. But the interesting thing is how these simple rules are so in tune with the best practices for an amazing opt-in process for your mailing list. You... [Read more]

‘US B2B eCommerce To Reach $1.1 Trillion By 2020’ – Forrester

Andy Hoar says, “I’m pleased to announce the release of Forrester’s US B2B eCommerce Forecast: 2015 to 2020. In this first-of-its-kind report, Forrester forecasts that US B2B eCommerce will grow from $780 billion in 2015 to $1.13 trillion in 2020 – at which time it will constitute 12.1% of the total $9.39 trillion US B2B commerce market. What’s... [Read more]

‘How to Hire Freelancers Who Make Your Content Better’ – Content Marketing Institute

Barry Feldman says, “Your content marketing ambitions are large. Unfortunately, your team is not. Though you may need help for one reason or another, it might not be the right time to bring in another employee. Enter freelancers: With a team of contract workers, you can enjoy the flexibility that comes with hiring on an as-needed basis, while... [Read more]

Commissions in minutes with robust affiliate DFY website #ad

The multi-national marketing team of IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, John Merrick and Soren Jordansen) have just released their Covert Commissions online software membership site. This is a plug & play system for earning affiliate commissions virtually on autopilot... [Read more]

‘The April Fool’s Day Email Prank That Returned 300% More Clickthroughs. No Joke’ – HubSpot

Joe Jerome says, “It wasn’t until late afternoon on April Fool’s Day when I came up with the idea for an epic prank. No, not covering a colleague’s desk with Post-It notes or planting staplers in Jell-O. I’m talking something a little more … client-facing. Let me quickly give you some context here. My marketing... [Read more]

‘Check Your Local Business Listings in the UK’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “One of the most consistent refrains from the Moz community as we’ve released features over the last two years has been the desire to see Moz Local expand to countries outside the U.S. Today I’m pleased to announce that we’re embarking on our journey to global expansion with support for U.K. business listing searches... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Get More of the Online Attention You Crave’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Listen — I remember what it was like. Working hard on writing the best content I could. Content that solved reader problems, was interesting to read, showed some personality, and furthered my business goals. Spending hours on posts that got nice attention from my small audience — but having trouble getting traction with... [Read more]

“Videopages” builds any webpage with embedded video #ad

Joshua Zamora and Aravindh Sridhar have partnered before to build products for online marketers. They just announced their latest product, VideoPages... [Read more]

‘Apprentice winner Mark Wright on SEO, algorithms & revolutionising the industry’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Mark Wright won series 10 of The Apprentice by pitching Lord Sugar his plans for building a new digital marketing agency. After the show, he quickly attracted criticism from the digital community for a perceived lack of knowledge and some rather bold claims about revolutionising SEO. There were also a few glaring errors in the process... [Read more]

‘Selling and Shipping on Instagram Made Easy’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “ShipStation is helping improve retailers’ selling initiatives on Instagram, as the e-commerce shipping solution has unveiled a new integration with social commerce app Penny. Retailers can leverage Penny to sell products on Instagram with a hashtag. To use the service, retailers simply need to sync their Instagram accounts... [Read more]

‘5 Sales Pitfalls That Could Hurt You Long-Term’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

George Deeb says, “As a serial entrepreneur and growth consultant at Red Rocket, I have encountered hundreds of companies and some of the common pitfalls they run into related to sales. I’ve seen the impact those pitfalls have on effectively growing these businesses long term. Below are five pitfalls I see that commonly challenge entrepreneurs... [Read more]

How to cash in on Amazon & Facebook with Zapable #ad

Amazon did over $74 Billion in revenues in 2014. And they are still growing. In December, over 60% of Amazon's sales were made from mobile devices. Affiliates who ride this wave can grow with them... [Read more]

‘Foolproof Sales Funnels: The 3 Necessary Software Components for Success’ – ‘’ Blog

Matthew Torren says, “Sales funnels are an essential component of an effective marketing strategy and overall business plan. You’ve likely heard of landing pages, automated email service providers and the efforts to integrate content into nurturing campaigns that move your website visitors from prospects to leads. It’s not enough any more to... [Read more]

‘The 7 Most Meaningful Dimensions For Customer Segmentation’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jordan Elkind says, “How would you describe your store’s ideal customer? Would you be able to map out where they came from, how they ended up on your site, and what products they first purchased? Finding answers for these sorts of questions can help your team understand which new customers are the best to acquire, but surfacing the answers... [Read more]

‘Select The Right Agency To Help Overcome Your Top Digital Challenges’ – Forrester

Xiaofeng Wang says, “Marketing leaders in China are looking at the largest and fast-growing digital market in the world and face more challenges in digital marketing than ever. As a result, they need more and more help from their digital agency partners. My new report,Overcome Top Digital Challenges In 2015: Choosing The Right Digital Agency... [Read more]


‘The Anatomy of an Optimized Web Page’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Optimizing your web pages shouldn’t just be a task on your to-do list. It should be an overarching strategy — something you think about and test and tweak every single day. Why? Because your website is how people get to know your brand, and having optimized web pages will make for a more engaging and delightful... [Read more]

‘How to Become a Digital Media Showrunner’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “What can digital media producers learn from “old” media and the people who’ve been creating it for decades? Almost everything. One of the recurring themes we talk about around Copyblogger Media is the critical importance of becoming the producer of your own media, building your own media asset, building your own audience. Why? On... [Read more]

‘Which organisational structure would you choose for marketing and digital? (Redux)’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Neil Perkin says, “Who was it who said that we tend to view what’s possible in the future through the lens of the past? Ashley Friedlein, CEO and co-founder of Econsultancy, recently posted an insightful take on what a completely new organisational structure for marketing and digital might look like if you were to start with a blank sheet of... [Read more]

‘Using Social Media to Personalize E-Commerce Processes’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As brands look to drive deeper connections with their consumers many are leveraging personalization techniques in order to do so. Sprinklr, a social media management company, and hybris software, an e-commerce software and omni-channel solution provider, have announced a new partnership in order to further integrate social media... [Read more]

‘Why Smart Social Media Marketers Care About Mobile Optimization’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “How many of you use your smartphone and/or tablet to check email, scroll through Twitter, and even read blog posts like this one? Most of you, I’ll bet. While we’re not quite ready to do away with our laptops and desktop computers, people are spending more time using their mobile devices to access the internet... [Read more]

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