IM NewsWatch, April 4, 2014 - ‘Social media, the human element and your brand – Econsultancy' and much more...

April 4th, 2014 at 7:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, April 4, 2014

‘A Look at the Modern Product Page’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “A Look at the Modern Product Page”. Allison Howen says, “Despite the convenience of online shopping, consumers still see many advantages to shopping in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Luckily, technology is providing online retailers with ways to make the virtual shopping experience... [Read more]

‘Eight Secrets of Success With LinkedIn PPC Ads’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Eight Secrets of Success With LinkedIn PPC Ads”. Elaine Marquis says, “If your B2B marketing department is like most others nowadays, you are engaged in blogging, social media, SEO, email marketing, and much more; the sales department requires an ideal number of quality leads, after all. But... [Read more]

‘Survey Shows Twitter Users Find Ads On The Network Irrelevant, Random’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Survey Shows Twitter Users Find Ads On The Network Irrelevant, Random”. Martin Beck says, “Twitter’s efforts to increase its user base and to encourage users to spend more time on the service are well documented and widely seen as crucial for the company as it works... [Read more]

Passive List Building Blitz: Build a huge, responsive list #ad

Fergal Downes has been marketing online for 6 years. For over 2 years, he struggled and made very little money. About then, he discovered the list-building methods used by the top marketers. And that made all the difference. Downes is now sharing the techniques that work in his new Passive List Building Blitz. With his guidance you can save the years... [Read more]

‘”5 Things Many Marketers Forget When Running A/B Tests’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”5 Things Many Marketers Forget When Running A/B Tests”. Joe Lazauskas says, “In 2014, the buzzword game has changed. “Data” is the new “synergy.” “Let’s A/B test it” is the new “Let’s circle back on that.” Overall, this is a... [Read more]

‘How to Tweet Around the Clock Without Being on Twitter 24/7′ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How to Tweet Around the Clock Without Being on Twitter 24/7″. Sam Kusinitz says, “If you’re a full-time marketer, regardless of your intentions or your desire to grow your Twitter following, you simply have too much on your plate to be tweeting 24/7. But if you’re serious about growing... [Read more]

‘Do-it-yourself SEO Starts with On-page Optimization’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Do-it-yourself SEO Starts with On-page Optimization”. Andy Curry says, “In “How to Get Traffic to your Website (via Google),” my article last month, I addressed basic search engine optimization and what you need to know to either hire a consultant or do it yourself. In this post,... [Read more]

YouTube videos can build your business #ad

Last September, IM NewsWatch advertised Rick Gueli‘s guide to marketing with YouTube videos, a guide that he called YouTube Charisma. This guide, from a man who has successfully ranked many YouTube videos and used them to market his products, reflected what he had discovered about what works and what doesn’t. Now, Gueli has released an... [Read more]

‘Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Why No One Trusts Facebook To Power The Future”. Selena Larson says, “In the coming years, one billion more people will gain access to the Internetthanks to drones and satellites hovering in the stratosphere. And soon, we’ll be able to sit down with friends in foreign countries and immerse... [Read more]

‘Vine Releases Private Messaging Feature’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Vine Releases Private Messaging Feature”. Kurt Wagner says, “Vine released a new private messaging feature Thursday. Users can now send video and text messages to one another through the app. Users can record a video message, add text, and send it to those in their Vine network, as well as... [Read more]

‘Social media, the human element and your brand’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Social media, the human element and your brand”. Pratik Dholakiya says, “Social media is a massive relationship building exercise. Tapping into social relationships to promote products and services is the fuel of new age of digital marketing and personalization. Prompted by... [Read more]

Landing Page Design to pull in Opt-ins #ad

Well-designed pages are essential for your optins, your click-throughs and your sales. Many factors need to be done right to assure your page will be attractive to the target audience. Stefan King created Exact Landing Page Recipe to show you how to create top landing pages. King draws upon his long experience as a sought-after copywriter to give you... [Read more]

‘Your Audience Doesn’t Know What it Wants’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Your Audience Doesn’t Know What it Wants”. Ramsay Taplin says, “?Pretty witty quote, right? You’ve probably heard it before. (Even if Ford never actually said it.) I know I have. But what I’ve been realizing lately is that I haven’t really been applying the essence of it to my... [Read more]

‘How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “How to Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts”. Erica McGillivray says, “Remember when Moz rebranded way back in May 2013? (Seems like a lifetime ago for this Mozzer, but, alas: startup life.) Well, since then a ton of you have reached out in our Q&A forum and on social media to ask just what we did to get... [Read more]

‘Web Optimization: Traffic without conversion doesn’t matter’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Web Optimization: Traffic without conversion doesn’t matter”. Daniel Burstein says, “At Web Optimization Summit 2014 in New York City, Michael Aagaard, Founder,, will present, “How, When and Why Minor Changes Have a Major Impact on Conversions,” based on four years... [Read more]

Advanced WordPress Lightbox plugin makes others obsolete #ad

Lightbox popups have been shown to get more subscribers to opt-in. Many major sites use them to increase their email list size. George Katsoudas has built a WordPress plugin called 1-Minute List Builder WordPress Plugin, to provide a flexible lightbox capability to any WordPress site. Katsoudas believes you know what works on your site . That’s... [Read more]

‘How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “How Email Marketers Should Mark Up Messages For Gmail’s New Grid View”. Tom Sather says, “Google just transformed the inbox again with Gmail Grid View that turns the Promotions tab into a visual shopping mall of marketing emails. For marketers, the question is: how... [Read more]

‘What’s the Deal With Facebook’s Privacy Dinosaur?’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “What’s the Deal With Facebook’s Privacy Dinosaur?”. Kurt Wagner says, “If you’ve posted to Facebook recently, you may have noticed a new graphic with a prehistoric twist: the privacy dinosaur. The company is testing a pop-up reminder that encourages users to pay attention... [Read more]

‘Five simple ideas for free content curation on Twitter’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Five simple ideas for free content curation on Twitter”. Ben Davis says, “Please ignore the header image. Curation is not thieving. There are many companies that don’t have enough resources to employ a dedicated social media man. It’s also the case that many digital marketing... [Read more]

‘Your Five-Point Mobile Marketing Checklist’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Your Five-Point Mobile Marketing Checklist”. Shawn Aguilar says, “So many mobile marketing options are available… But where does one start? Is SMS still relevant? Should you focus on mobile search? What about mobile banner ads and video? To help marketers navigate the ever-changing mobile... [Read more]

‘8 Ways to Charge Your Mental Batteries and Charge Your Marketing’ by Gail Trahd

Gail Trahd’s latest ‘PLR Health Wizard’ blog post is titled “8 Ways to Charge Your Mental Batteries and Charge Your Marketing”. Gail says, “Sometimes it takes more mental energy to do something new than physical energy. I enjoy making new discoveries – about my health, how to organize my stuff better or some hidden treasure about where I’m... [Read more]

‘How ecommerce sites can cater for the ‘just browsing’ shoppers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How ecommerce sites can cater for the ‘just browsing’ shoppers”. Ido Ariel says, “Online retailers are struggling to unearth the reasons why shoppers abandon their sites without converting. Econsultancy recent Reducing Customer Struggle report reveals that a staggering... [Read more]

‘How B2B Publishers Can Succeed with Client-Focused Inbound Marketing’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”How B2B Publishers Can Succeed with Client-Focused Inbound Marketing”. Steve Diogo says, “The explosion of inbound content marketing has sparked endless hand wringing among B2B publishers who are already struggling to prove their relevance in a digital-first world. Why? Because publishers... [Read more]

‘How Much Should You Spend On Optimization? Calculate Your BUU’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “How Much Should You Spend On Optimization? Calculate Your BUU”. Brian Massey says, “Analytics platforms. Split testing software. User testing tools. This is starting to sound expensive. And it is. What if it were more expensive not to have these things in your online... [Read more]

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