How to Get More LinkedIn Leads - IM NewsWatch, December 8, 2021

December 8th, 2021 at 8:48 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

How to Get More LinkedIn Leads [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘How to Get More LinkedIn Leads: An Organic Strategy That Works’ to help you make the most of your LinkedIn marketing efforts. The SME says, “Want to generate more leads on LinkedIn with organic content? Not sure how to do it without scaring your prospects away? In this video, LinkedIn... [Read more]

How to Run an SEO Audit [Free Kit]

HubSpot has published a free kit called ‘How to Run an SEO Audit’. The HubSpot team says, “We’ll guide you through all of the steps to conduct a full SEO audit to ensure your entire site and web assets are optimized for a modern organic SEO strategy. HubSpot joined forces with Ryte to bring you a free on-page SEO template, audit... [Read more]

HubSpot’s Guide to Create Irresistible Marketing Offers

For successful marketing, you need to create offers that help in lead generation. Without them, site visitors have no way of getting converted into leads. HubSpot contributor Pamela Vaughan has published an article on creating irresistible marketing offers. She says, “While the types of offers we mentioned above are all great options for marketing... [Read more]

[Brand New] TalkingFaces Client Getting Video App is Live #ad

How would you like to approach any business with something that will instantly boost engagement and conversions on their website? You can do it so easily with the new Video App, TalkingFaces. • Imagine being able to take a real human spokesperson and overlay it on most any website as an instant “Greeter,” coercing website visitors to take action. •... [Read more]

Landing Page SEO Best Practices & Tips For Success, December 15 [Webinar]

Google continues to regularly update its algorithm. Adjusting to these constant changes is about more than just optimizing your content for the SERPs. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Landing Page SEO Best Practices & Tips For Success’ on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join us for our... [Read more]

Your Guide to Using Instagram Reels Ads

Instagram has created a new pool of opportunities for businesses and marketers to grow their businesses. Newly launched features like Reels also allow you to advertise and meet your ROI target. Social Media Examiner’s Corinna Keefe has published a comprehensive guide on getting started with Instagram Reels. She says, ” Instagram is pushing... [Read more]

Facebook Ad Analysis and Automation: Save Time and Money [Video]

If you are spending too much time analyzing your Facebook ads and want to learn how often you should check in on your Facebook ads performance – here is a video published by Social Media Examiner. In this video, Facebook ads expert Tara Zirker shares a time-saving process for successfully managing your campaigns in just one day a month. You’ll... [Read more]

Xmissions: The Christmas Commissions Accelerator #ad

Trevor Carr releases Xmissions, which he calls "The Christmas Commissions Accelerator". In essence, he is sharing all he knows about affiliate marketing, just in time for you to put it into practice for holiday sales (but you'd better be quick; just 19 days till Christmas.)... [Read more]

Auditing Your Website’s SEO For Rankings [Video]

By regularly evaluating the performance of your website in terms of SEO, you can continue to get more leads that can be converted into customers. Neil Patel has published a new video ‘Auditing Your Website’s SEO For Rankings’ highlighting some useful tips to audit your site. He says, “There is more to SEO than just on-page factors.... [Read more]

ContentRev Summit, December 15

Content Marketing Institute is hosting the ‘ContentRev Summit’ on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. The CMI team says, “Join us on December 15 for ContentRev Summit where we’ll teach you how to prove the value of content on bottom-line success. We’ve invited leading content marketers to share their insights on topics like sales enablement,... [Read more]

How To Create A Strong Content Project

Today, content has several varieties. And we wish to achieve excellence in any of the content variety that we create. It can be possible with a clear plan and a strong idea. Content Marketing Institute contributor Ann Smarty has shared three pre-launch steps to make your content project stronger. She says, “This guide covers three key steps to... [Read more]

Show businesses how to do cutting-edge customer service #ad

Customer service can make or break any business. People come to customer service when they are already upset. Cutting-Edge Customer Service can restore their trust; poor customer service can drive them away.... [Read more]

Building Brand Awareness and Authority with Your Content

Your content can be a key driving force in reaching out to more and more people online. With high-quality content, you can grow your chances of conversion. Skyword, Inc. contributor Rose de Fremery has shared some useful tips to help you use timely content to build brand awareness and authority. She says, “Here are some best practices for crafting... [Read more]

Achieve Better Page Speed with These WordPress Image Optimization Plugins

When it comes to launching a great website with content publishing features, WordPress is one of the most favorites around the world. With a variety of WordPress plugins, you can perform several tasks to achieve better website performance. Search Engine Journal contributor Olga Zarzeczna has published an article highlighting ten WordPress image optimization... [Read more]

Five YouTube Marketing Challenges

When it comes to video marketing, YouTube has turned out to be the one-stop destination. It provides an unparalleled opportunity to make the most from your video content. Entrepreneur magazine contributor Terry Tateossian has published an article highlighting the five challenges of YouTube marketing. He says, “There is no denying that YouTube... [Read more]

Clickbank Superstar: How to launch a product on Clickbank #ad

John Thornhill is a leading seller of Clickbank products, both as a product creator and as an affiliate. In Clickbank Superstar, he shows you how he launches successful products on Clickbank.... [Read more]

IndexNow’s Instant SERP Updates Are Here [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal is going to host a live podcast ‘SEO Shake-Up: IndexNow’s Instant SERP Updates Are Here’ featuring Fabrice Canel, Principal Program Manager for Microsoft Bing on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 3 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “What if there were a more efficient way to notify search engines whenever your website content... [Read more]

How to Buy a Domain Name [Guide]

Quick Sprout’s Lars Lofgren has published two useful guides titled ‘How to Buy a Domain Name’ and ‘The Best Domain Registrar’ to help you make the right choice while registering a new domain. He says, “Buying a domain name is about as easy as ordering food online. Finding a good domain is much harder. Don’t just... [Read more]

Three-Step Forumula To Perform Blog Content Audit

Regular content audit helps you maintain the quality of your blog publishing. By performing content audits, you can continue to develop content that is of your audience’s interest. Seer contributor Bryan McKeon has published an article highlighting three steps to perform a blog content audit. He says, “I once worked at a company that had... [Read more]

Premium Medical Content By Doctor Loy: Sports Medicine (PLR) #ad

Health-related equipment and health programs are popular iamong athletes who need to deal with these sports medicine issues. Websites that offer authoritative information on sports medicinehave an excellent opportunity to market related training programs and equipment related to the content... [Read more]

Five Tips To Clean Up Your Email List

Having a large subscriber base is a thing to be proud of, but the list has to be responsive. You have to keep cleaning your email list to get the best response from your email marketing campaigns. HubSpot contributor Pamela Vaughan has shared five useful tips to clean up your email list. She says, “Making sure your email lists are clean and targeting... [Read more]

Five Methods To Fix Your SEO Budget

SEO is the backbone of your business today. So it is important to allocate optimum energy and budget for it. But, knowing how much to spend on SEO can be tricky. To help us, Search Engine Land has shared 5 methods to determine how much to spend on SEO. The SEL team says, “You have options when you’re budgeting for SEO, with methods ranging from... [Read more]

Social Media Monitoring Tools You Should Be Using

Various social media monitoring tools can help you find out what people say about your products and services. Content Marketing Institute contributor Bowin Poe has published an article highlighting 10 social media monitoring tools to help you track what people say about your brand. He says, “Social media monitoring tools can help you better understand... [Read more]

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Sales Process [Video]

HubSpot has published a new video ‘The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Sales Process’ to help you learn the process of making more sales online. The HubSpot team says, “Have you ever thought about what all goes into creating a sales process? It can look different for each buyer, so in this video, we’re sharing the steps to create a... [Read more]

10 Content Marketing Trends for 2022 [Infographic]

Search Engine Journal has published a new infographic titled ’10 Content Marketing Trends for 2022′. Andy Betts says, “In 2021, 43% of marketers experienced content marketing budget increases, and 66% expect to see it rise again in 2022. Video, digital and real-world events, owned-media assets, and paid media are among the top areas... [Read more]

How Neeva is Creating A Search Experience Without Ads [Podcast]

Neeva is a new search engine that promises a private and customizable experience, without ads. Think about it as an HBO subscription service – premium media without ads. Search Engine Journal has published a new podcast episode ‘How Neeva is Creating A Search Experience Without Ads’. The SEJ team says, “There is a big part of us... [Read more]

SMS Marketing For Local Business: Trends You’ll Need In 2022, December 8 [Webinar]

Customers now expect more from businesses and want to interact with them differently, thanks to the convenience of mobile. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘SMS Marketing For Local Business: Trends You’ll Need In 2022’ on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Podium interviewed more than 1,000... [Read more]

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