Guide to LinkedIn content marketing - IM NewsWatch, December 13, 2022

December 13th, 2022 at 7:24 am EDT


IM NewsWatch


Marketing Strategy Guide: What It Is and How to Create One [Guide]

Marketing strategy is your company’s long-term game plan for how you’ll reach your audience, promote your products or services, and convert prospects into customers. Semrush contributor has published ‘Marketing Strategy Guide: What It Is and How to Create One’ to help you create your own marketing strategy. Alex Lindley says, “Marketing... [Read more]

Four Ways to Remove Negative Reviews on Google

Online reviews help you expand your business by winning the trust of your prospects. Positive reviews are an asset, but what about negative reviews? Sterling Sky contributor Joy Hawkins has published an article featuring four ways to remove negative reviews on Google. He says, “There are four steps to getting a review removed that violate Google’s... [Read more]

A guide to LinkedIn content marketing [Guide]

Search Engine Land has published ‘A guide to LinkedIn content marketing’ to help marketers achieve content marketing success. Julia McCoy says, “I always recommend focusing on your website first for content marketing, but LinkedIn could be a worthwhile side channel of focus. Here are a few reasons why. Reach more of your audience By... [Read more]

Hosting Payouts: Earn passively in the hosting market #ad

Thanks to Hosting Payouts the opportunity to earn passive income in the hosting market has arrived. Now you can build self-updating affiliate websites offering website hosting from the major hosting companies. Your sites come complete with reviews and comparisons of top-rated hosting companies, and you can build a site in about 60 seconds. There are... [Read more]

How Can Voice Search Benefit Your SEO? [Answered]

With increasing number of internet-connected devices, voice search has been growing exponentially. It allows people to use voice commands with their smart devices to retrieve online resources. Search Engine Journal contributor Kristopher Jones has published an article on how voice search can benefit your SEO. He says, “If you’re just learning... [Read more]

SEO Trends 2023, According To 24 Experts [Ebook]

Search Engine Journal has published a new e-book ‘SEO Trends 2023, According To 24 Experts’. Shannon Phelps, “We’ve gathered helpful insights from 24 of today’s top experts; they’ll share what happened in SEO over the past year and what they expect to happen next year. Download SEO Trends 2023 now and discover the retrospective... [Read more]

Reminder- ContentREV – Learn How to Use Content to Accelerate Revenue, December 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for a Content Marketing Institute webinar to be held on December 14, 2022. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar series on ‘ContentREV – Learn How to Use Content to Accelerate Revenue’ on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 2.00 pm EST. The CMI team says, “We’ve invited other leading content marketers... [Read more]

VacayMatic builds 100% automated flight deal sites #ad

VacayMatic is your solution if you want to build and run your very own affiliate Airline Flight Deal website. Right now is a perfect time to operate a site like this because people are eager to get out of their pandemic stay-at-home rut and start flying. But since the pandemic also reduced wages, they are trying to save on travel, and they spend extra... [Read more]

Online Reputation Management Explained

Online reputation management is a proces used to create a positive perception of a brand or business. Search Engine Journal contributor Rachel Vandernick has published an article explaining Online Reputation Management (ORM). She says, “While the mix that each business uses to maintain its online reputation will differ, ORM should involve a combination... [Read more]

How to Create Brand Style Guides Like A Pro [Video]

HubSpot has published a new video ‘How to Create Brand Style Guides Like A Pro’ featuring useful advice on creating a brand style guide. The HubSpot team says, “A brand style guide is a great asset to have for creating consistent and on brand content. In this video we’re sharing all the key elements that you should have. We also... [Read more]

Reminder- Expert SEO & Google Algorithm Predictions For 2023, December 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for a Search Engine Journal webinar to be held on December 14, 2022. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘Expert SEO & Google Algorithm Predictions For 2023’ on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “In our next webinar, Pat Reinhart, VP of Customer Success at Conductor, discusses... [Read more]

Stoodaio video marketing: from creating script to publishing around the web #ad

Stoodaio 2.0 is a 4-in-1 app that is powered by genuine artificial intelligence that builds your video marketing campaigns, step-by-step.... [Read more]

Instagram DM Automation Strategy [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Instagram DM Automation Strategy: A Model for More Leads and Sales’ featuring an Instagram marketing strategy. The SME team says, “Want more prospects and customers from Instagram? Looking for a strategy to follow? Discover how to use Instagram DM automation for more leads and sales.” Social... [Read more]

SEJ Shares 12 Proven Local SEO Tips

Local SEO is the practice of increasing the online visibility of local businesses. It’s similar organic SEO, but with an added geographical component. Search Engine Journal contributor Winston Burton has published an article featuring 12 proven local SEO tips to dominate the SERPs. He says, “In this article, we’ll explain why local search... [Read more]

Reminder- The Future of B2B Marketing: Hot Advice & Smart Insights for 2023, December 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for a MarketingProfs webinar to be held on December 14, 2022. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar ‘The Future of B2B Marketing: Hot Advice & Smart Insights for 2023’ on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 12.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “No sales pitches. No slide decks. Just a group of marketing leaders... [Read more]

Voice Profit Engine creates pro-quality voiceovers for your marketing & for sale #ad

Voice Profit Engine is voiceover software that gives you: 1) "SynthaTalk™ technology". It uses voices from real voiceover actors and simulates their exact voices, even down to their mannerisms.... [Read more]

Email Marketing For Small Businesses [Guide]

Search Engine Journal has published ‘Email Marketing For Small Businesses: A Guide To Getting Started’ to help marketers improve email marketing. Brian Frederick says, “With a little elbow grease and the information you gain here, you’ll be able to create and launch your own effective campaign in no time. Ready to get started? Let’s... [Read more]

The Easiest SEO Strategy I’ve Ever Used [Video]

In his latet video ‘The Easiest SEO Strategy I’ve Ever Used’, Neeil Patel reveals an easy to follow SEO strategy. He says, “The easiest SEO strategy I’ve ever used. People assume that SEO is all work and no play. And yeah, there is a ton of work that goes into it. Anything that requires you to follow through on a long-term... [Read more]

10 Content Proofreading Tips

Proper content proofreading helps you publish quality contetn and achieve desired content marketing goals. Proofreading process helps you find and resolve common language errors. Copyblogger contributor Stefanie Flaxman has published an article featuring 10 content proofreading tips to catch avoidable goofs. She says, “Proofreading ensures you’ve... [Read more]

WebPrimo builds Hybrid WordPress Websites & Stores #ad

No matter whether you are running a blog or are building an e-commerce store; for any business niche, you can create a website, yourself and have it look professional.... [Read more]

SEJ Shares Eight Marketing Tips for Facebook Pages

When it comes to social media, Facebook rules. The social giant had 3 billion (2.96) monthly active users as of the third quarter of 2022. Search Engine Journal contribuor Chelsea Alves has published an article featuring eight Facebook marketing tips to revitalize a boring page. She says, “This deep dive guide will succinctly outline what it... [Read more]

5 Ways to Get More with Less Through Link Building [Video]

MOZ has published a new episode of Whitboard Fridy ‘5 Ways to Get More with Less Through Link Building’ featuring Paddy Moogan. The MOZ team says, “As we enter 2023, several businesses are being squeezed because of rising costs. Customers are simultaneously struggling to cope with their living costs, which in turn affects companies... [Read more]

MOZ Highlights 2022 YouTube and Video SERP Result Changes

MOZ SEO expert Dr. Peter J. Meyers has published an article featuring 2022 YouTube and video SERP result changes. He says, “When you think of video results on Google in 2022 (and video optimization), you might think of something that looks like this (from a search for “flag football”): In mid-October, we noticed a drop in this type of video... [Read more]

2023 Advertising and Media Data Trends and Forecast: Start the Year Off Right, January 12 [Webinar]

2022 saw many changes in advertising, media and entertainment. And 2023 is shaping up to be no less transformational for advertisers and publishers alike. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘2023 Advertising and Media Data Trends and Forecast: Start the Year Off Right’ on Thursday, January 12, 2022, at 1.00 pm EST. The Adweek team says, “Dive... [Read more]

How to Make Money Blogging [Video]

Blogging is a great way to promote your products and services. It also helps you stay connected to your audience. Ahrefs has published a new video ‘How to Make Money Blogging (From Start to Finish)’ revealing some useful strategies to make oney from blogging. In this video, you’ll learn how to make money blogging using a simple 5-stage... [Read more]

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